Daegu Soldiers open up during suicide prevention training

By Mary B. Grimes, USAG Daegu Public AffairsMarch 7, 2014

ASIST Training at USAG Daegu heightens suicide preparedness
1 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) trainers, Chaplain
(Maj.) M. Timothy Ryu, (left), 501st Brigade Chaplain, and Staff Sgt. Carlos
E. Muniz, (right), 501st Chaplain Section NCOIC, welcome Soldiers to the
two-day suicide prevention w... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)
ASIST Training at USAG Daegu heightens suicide preparedness
2 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Undergoing ASIST training, Soldiers from across USAG Daegu and Area IV show
deep interest and concern as two classmates respond to a scenario intended
to make them more aware of a person showing signs of suicidal thoughts and
plans, and how to engage... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)
ASIST Training at USAG Daegu heightens suicide preparedness
3 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Skills-oriented, ASIST provides instruction on specific actions an
individual can take in their attempt to influence a person at risk of
suicide. Through role-playing, Soldiers from Area IV, go through a series of
tough scenarios as they portray the ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)
ASIST Training at USAG Daegu heightens suicide preparedness
4 / 4 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Trying to find the right words to say, the care-giver on the left applies
learning principles acquired through ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention
Skills Training), listening attentively as a person at risk reveals his
struggles with depression and a... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

DAEGU, South Korea - Suicide is not an easy topic to approach. Even so, it is something that is a very real issue in communities everywhere, and for that reason, the U.S. Army continues to do what it can to raise awareness among Soldiers, Family members, and Department of Defense civilians regarding its risks and potential. As it is an issue that does not take a rest, U.S. Army Garrison Daegu and the 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) leadership found wisdom in making awareness training available to Soldiers and civilians throughout Area IV both during and after the recent holiday season.

Known as ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training), the two-day workshops were held on Camp Walker and Camp Carroll, respectively -- drawing nearly 60 personnel over a four-day period. According to U.S. Army officials, the course addresses a wide range of suicide-prevention, and intervention skills. Upon successful completion of the course, key individuals will be qualified to conduct the two-day ASIST course throughout the Army. Administering the training to Area IV participants were Chaplain (Maj.) M. Timothy Ryu, 501st Sustainment Brigade Chaplain, and Staff Sgt. Carlos E. Muniz, 501st Chaplain Section NCOIC.

The workshops were in response to an operational order from the 19th ESC to provide units across Area IV with ASIST training.

"This is a very important training program in the Army, especially in Korea where the majority of the Soldiers, many of whom are on their first assignment, are on unaccompanied tours in a high-OPTEMPO (a measure of the pace of an operation or operations) environment," Ryu said. "Cultivating the willingness and capacity to detect, engage, and assist fellow Soldiers who are at risk of suicide is crucial."

Clearly, these thoughts are in line with the U.S. Army's push to keep the matter of suicide prevention on the front burner. Army officials have viewed ASIST training as a form of first aid that establishes a means of recognizing and better understanding the needs of individuals at risk, and their cry or invitation for help.

"Someone once expressed, 'If you know people who are suicidal, or if you know people who are bipolar, depressed, have panic attack disorder, just be there for them.' They're going through something that's very, very hard," said one of the ASIST participants.

"The training itself is very, very influential, and very important," said Sgt. April Bryant. "I think everybody in the Army or the military should get this training because the reality is suicide is something that happens every day in our lives or environments. We should be able to look left or right to our buddy, and say, hey, is this the situation you?'re having, and then know how to better handle the situation from there. Regardless of the rank, an individual should be able to ask somebody for some help---or somebody should be able to offer some help because we?'re just human. We should be able to reach out and look out for each other because we?'re all we?'ve got."

Like Bryant, other participants in the training were forthcoming in their opinions and experiences. On the matter of suicide, some shared how they had been approached by a buddy, or how a family member either took his life, or was unsuccessful with the attempt. With heads often held low, they spoke of how they felt and how they wish they could have simply done more.

"In my line of work, I'm just tired of seeing the impact suicide can have on units and families," one Soldier said. "I'm hoping that this ASIST training will empower me in such a way that I can in the future, intervene and somehow make a positive difference."

Other voices raised in support of the ASIST training efforts included who said, "I thought the training was really good and that it was an eye-opener for a lot of people, so that we can see that even though you might talk to someone on a daily basis--they can be giving you signs about their wanting to commit suicide, but you never really notice it or anything like that," said Pfc. Rhemah Lewis. "We should just really take the time to get to know people better, and seriously think more about what it is they're saying. Don?'t just brush everything off that people say to you."

?"A lot of the stuff that we do in the real world, ties in a lot with this training," a soft-spoken Spc. Justin A. Helms said. "So, it?'s extremely helpful. It?'s a great class where someone can come out…especially if they are shy -- open them up a little bit so that they can be able to talk to people."

A petroleum supply specialist, and seasoned NCO, Sgt. 1st Class Duane Starnes was emphatic in his assertions regarding the seriousness of the ASIST training.

"I thought the class was very helpful," he said. "It taught us through the use of scenarios, how to engage and to look for the warning signs of people at high risk for suicide. The training teaches anybody how to look for warning signs and suicide indicators. The truth is we don't always do that. Far too often we just go about our own ways and business. It was very good training."

"For the training to be even more effective, we must place more emphasis at all levels of command, and regularly schedule training opportunities" Ryu said.

He added that he thinks the Area IV ASIST training went very well. "The Soldiers were motivated, engaged, and receptive."

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