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Waypoint #2: Follow up to CSA's Marching Orders

By Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Ray OdiernoFebruary 24, 2014

Waypoint #2: Follow up to CSA's Marching Orders (tri-fold outside)
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Waypoint #2: Follow up to CSA's Marching Orders (tri-fold inside)
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Waypoint #2: Follow up to CSA's Marching Orders (cover image)
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The Chief of Staff of the Army's Vision:

"The All-Volunteer Army will remain the most highly trained and professional land force in the world. It is uniquely organized with the capability and capacity to provide expeditionary, decisive landpower to the Joint Force and ready to perform across the range of military operations to Prevent, Shape, and Win in support of Combatant Commanders to defend the Nation and its interests at home and abroad, both today and against emerging threats." -- Gen. Raymond T. Odierno

The Chief of Staff of the Army's major objectives for the future include:

Adaptive Army Leaders for a Complex World

A Globally Responsive and Regionally Engaged Army

A Ready and Modern Army

Soldiers Committed to Our Army Profession

The Premier All-Volunteer Army


- Continue to foster the individual toughness, battlefield skill and fighting spirit that have always typified the American Soldier.

- Educate and develop all Soldiers and civilians to grow the intellectual capacity to understand the complex contemporary security environment to better lead Army, Joint, Interagency, and Multinational task forces and teams.

- Evolve the Total Army (active Army, the Army National Guard, and the U.S. Army Reserve) school system to provide the right education and training to the right individuals at the right time, while broadening joint and interagency school and exchange opportunities to assure a common knowledge of Unified Action partner capabilities.

- Retain tactical competence and technical proficiency while cultivating strategic perspective and leadership from senior Non-Commissioned Officer, to field grade officers, to general officer ranks.

- Actively manage talent (assignments and education) to broaden leader experience and better align individual desires with Army requirements.

- Institute new evaluation and assessment tools that enable Army leaders to more clearly identify the best talent and encourage leaders to seek self improvement.


A Globally Responsive Army:

- Downsize, transition, and then sustain a smaller, but ready and capable Total Army that provides Joint and Combined forces with expeditionary and enduring landpower for the range of military operations and features unique competencies such as operational leadership, mobility, command and control, and theater logistics at all echelons.

- Rapidly deploy, fight, and win whenever and wherever our national interests are threatened.

- Maintain a responsive force posture and effective network of installations and capabilities at home and abroad to protect U.S. interests and those of our Allies.

- Aggressively pursue improvements to deployment processes to eliminate institutional impediments and expedite movement of ready forces in response to Global Combatant Command requirements.

- Support the Joint Force with critical enablers such as aviation, intelligence engineers, logistics, medical, signal, and special operations; both while enroute to, and operating within, expeditionary environments alongside Unified Action Partners.

Regionally Engaged Army:

- Provide deployable and scalable regionally-focused Army forces task organized for direct support of Geographic and Functional Combatant Commands and Joint requirements.

- Shape and set theaters for regional commanders employing unique Total Army characteristics and capabilities to influence the security environment, build trust, develop relationships, and gain access through rotational forces, multilateral exercises, mil-to-mil engagements, coalition training, and other opportunities.

- Assure the readiness of forward-deployed and rotational forces in support of the Defense Strategic Guidance.

- Deepen regional understanding in line with Regionally Aligned Forces by Soldiers, leaders, and units to sharpen tactical, operational and strategic planning and operations.

- Continue to improve Special Operation-Conventional Forces interdependence and integration in pursuit of a Prevent-Shape-Win strategy.


A Ready Army:

- Train and equip the Total Army to rapidly deploy, fight, sustain itself, and win against complex state and non-state threats in austere environments and rugged terrain (the expeditionary mindset).

- Ensure the right mix of operationally ready and responsive Total Army forces and capabilities to meet emergent Global Combatant Command requirements while maintaining an operational and strategic landpower reserve.

- Rebuild the Army's combined army maneuver and wide-area security capabilities employing our CTCs to challenge and certify Total Army formations in a comprehensive and realistic decisive action training environment.

- Conduct tough, realistic multi-echelon home station training utilizing live, virtual, and constructive capabilities to efficiently and effectively assure individual, leader and unit competencies.

- Leverage multi-echelon Joint and Multi-National command post exercises, staff rides, simulations, and MCTP-supported training events to produce regionally capable JFLCC and JTF headquarters.

A Modern Army

- Prioritize Soldier-centered modernization and procurement of proven technologies so that Soldiers have the best weapons, equipment, and protection to accomplish every mission.

- Seek fundamental improvements to Soldier and unit system lethality, survivability, mobility, and network functionality to ensure the American Soldier remains the most discriminately lethal force on the battlefield.

- Focus Science and Technology investment to maximize the potential of emerging game-changing landpower technologies to counter emerging threats and to ensure that the Army formations retain a decisive materiel edge and tactical overmatch across the range of military operations, to include missions such as cyber, space, CWMD, and Weapons of Mass Destruction Elimination.

- Ensure that Army units are prepared for new, emerging and evolving missions in areas such as space, cyberspace, missile defense, and countering Weapons of Mass Destruction.


- Preserve the earned trust of the American people and their confidence in our Army.

- Enforce a professional environment across our Army, free of harassment that promotes and respects the individual dignity of all Soldiers and civilians, allowing them to realize their full potential.

- Renew the foundation of our Army's strength by daily living the Values of our Profession and exhibiting the character, competence and commitment that are hallmarks of an Army Professional.

- Build the comprehensive physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual resiliency of our Soldiers, civilians and their families to enable them to thrive personally and professionally.

- Serve as a Total Army: Soldiers, civilians and families of the Active Army, the Army National Guard, and the U.S. Army Reserve, who share the same professional ethic and commitment to the defense of our nation and way of life.

- Accentuate the military expertise, honorable service, esprit de corps, and professional stewardship that mark our Army's heritage as the defender of our Nation in peace and war, since 1775. The 187 Campaign Streamers that adorn the Army flag today are proud testimony to our Army's service.


- Honor the service and sacrifice of our veterans, retirees, wounded warriors and families by preserving the highest possible quality of life, on our installations, and wherever Soldiers serve and live. Assist Soldiers transitioning out of Army service to return to civilian occupations successfully. "Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier."

- Support a level of Regular Military Compensation (RMC), retirement, and health care that assures the highest quality Soldiers and civilians are recruited and incentivized to remain with the Army for a career in uniform, and a lifetime of service through retirement.

- Uphold the Army's responsibility to provide benefits and high-quality services such as MWR, education assistance, exchanges, housing, dependent schools, commissaries, and child and youth programs that are components of a professional force dedicated to the Army for the long term.

Related Documents:

Waypoint #2: Follow up to CSA's Marching Orders (60 MB printable PDF) [PDF]

Waypoint #2: Follow up to CSA's Marching Orders (1 MB screen resolution PDF) [PDF]

Related Links:

CSA's Marching Orders -- America's Force of Decisive Action

Waypoint #1: Follow up to CSA's Marching Orders

Chief of Staff of the Army's 2014 Professional Reading List (PDF)

Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Ray Odierno blog

Center for the Army Professional and Ethic - CAPE

Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Ray Odierno on Instagram

CSA's strategic intent: Delivering strategic landpower in an uncertain world

Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. Ray Odierno Professional Development toolkit

STAND-TO!: The Army Profession

STAND-TO!: Regionally Aligned Forces

STAND-TO!: 2013 Army Posture Statement: The Army for the Future

STAND-TO!: CSA Strategic Priorities- Waypoint # 2

Learn what L.D.R.S.H.I.P. stands for

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