Fitness expo offers resources to start a healthy New Year

By Rick Musselman, Belvoir Eagle Sports EditorJanuary 16, 2014

Zumba Instructor Yurmaly Monserate pumps up participants during a Zumba demonstration during the Health and Fitness Expo at Graves Fitness Center Jan. 9. Expo attendees enjoyed door prizes, free snacks and exhibitions from recreational, health and fi... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Hundreds of fitness enthusiasts learned about the wide range of exercise programs available to the Fort Belvoir community during the 2014 Health and Fitness Expo at Graves Fitness Center Jan. 9.

The event, sponsored by Fort Belvoir's Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation, aimed to increase awareness of the health benefits of physical activity and proper nutritional habits to everyone who lives, works and plays on the installation.

Potential customers participated in aerobics workouts with certified instructors and visited with several workout program and equipment vendors from the local area.

More than 20 vendors from across the installation and around the Washington, D.C. metro area provided information to visitors and gave out free samples of their products.

"The Expo is to promote health and fitness, to make people aware of the programs we have on Fort Belvoir, and to get them more involved in the classes going on at our gyms" said Julie Libert, Child, Youth and School Services assistant sports and fitness director. "Our vendors are demonstrating all kinds of aerobics and spinning classes and we want to show everything that's going on here."

"This is for people who are looking to develop a healthy lifestyle; it's all about fitness and training and we have a lot of different programs on offer. We also teach about nutrition," added Richard Tatem, Fort Belvoir fitness coordinator.

Tatem noted that the event continues to grow in popularity among servicemembers and civilians as well as the companies showcasing their services.

"The Expo has really gotten big; we actually had to turn some vendors away because we were full," he said. "Next year we're going to have to have this event at Wells Field House because of its size."

Attendees spent the four-hour show speaking with representatives of on-post fitness organizations as well as several workout and nutrition companies which operate beyond the gates. Fort Belvoir's Army Community Service, Fort Belvoir Community Hospital and Belvoir Federal Credit Union shared the floor with Metro Run and Walk, Core Wellness, Physical Therapy, and many others to offer information and advice. Red Cross certified health professionals provided free blood pressure, cholesterol and Body Mass Index screenings, and certified aerobics instructors invited guests to participate in short workouts on stationary bikes and on the mat.

Visitors said they found the Expo both informative and entertaining throughout its duration.

"This is the first time I've attended this and I really liked it. There were so many vendors to visit," said Jo Ann Kottkamp. "I go to a lot of the classes here (at Belvoir). I brought my neighbor with me today and I'm trying to get her involved in the classes and getting into a routine. We do the walking group on Tuesdays and Thursdays -- walk three miles in the morning -- and then we come here to do the classes. And I've lost 60 pounds."

DFMWR staff members offered free T-shirts to all who attended the Expo and nutritional snacks were available throughout the event.

For additional information regarding exercise and fitness programs on post, contact Graves Fitness Center at (703) 806-5368, the Body Shop at (703) 806-3100 or DFMWR marketing office at (703) 805-4137. Class information is posted on