Odierno presents logistics excellence award to Fort Leonard Wood team

By Mrs. Dawn Arden (Fort Wood)January 14, 2014

Odierno presents logistics excellence award to Fort Leonard Wood team
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno presents Warren Brabant, TACOM support officer and representing Fort Leonard Wood's TACOM Fleet Management Expansion team, with the fiscal 2012 Combined Logistics Excellence, Best-of-the-Best Maintenance Award... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno presented the fiscal 2012 Army Combined Logistics Excellence Award to the Fort Leonard Wood Tank-automotive and Armaments Command's Fleet Management Expansion team, known as FMX, during his visit to the installation Monday.

The CLEA ceremony, which normally takes place in the nation's capitol, took place in the Duvall Maintenance Complex, allowing all employees a chance to attend.

The award is given annually to recognize excellence in maintenance, supply and transportation by units and programs that have shown the highest levels of achievement in logistics and logistics maintenance.

"We all are into excellence, but it's clear that here at Fort Leonard Wood you continue to achieve superior excellence and I want to thank you. Because of you over 46,000 Soldiers, over two-million training miles during fiscal year 12 was accomplished," Odierno said. "You maintain a fleet of over 4,600 vehicles and 97 percent registry -- that's unheard of."

Thanking the FMX for their teamwork and the amount of pride and effort they put into their work, Odierno said they are helping the Army accomplish its mission.

"I really do want to thank you for the incredible efforts that you have made to help Soldiers do their job, and to do it in a way provides high readiness levels," Odierno said. "That allows us to meet all our training goals and allows us to prepare our young men and women to do the very important tasks that they were given. You should be very proud of yourselves for sustaining a level of excellence that is absolutely necessary."

The TACOM FMX at Fort Leonard Wood earned the award for keeping the highest maintenance standards throughout the Department of the Army.

According to officials, following strict standards and attention to detail is what helped them reach and maintain their 97 percent operational readiness.

The motor pool competition is open to all Army active and Reserve units. Each four-star command nominates their best motor pools to represent their command. The competition is broken down into small, medium and large units for active, deployed units and Reserve components.

"Thank you all for your dedication to our nation, dedication to the Army and dedication here to Fort Leonard Wood. Congratulations, job well done, and it's an honor for me to spend a few minutes with you to recognize you," Odierno said.

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Maneuver Support Center of Excellence and Fort Leonad Wood