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U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan | Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)

By U.S. Army Garrison YongsanJanuary 21, 2014


The ASAP supports the Army in maintaining and enhancing readiness by providing comprehensive wellness programs and services that promote and enhance healthy lifestyles and the total quality of life for military and civilian personnel in the home, in the work-place and in the community. Specific emphasis is given to preventing the adverse effects of alcohol, other drugs and their related high-risk behaviors.


To strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of USAG Yongsan's total workforce and enhance the mission readiness of Soldiers. Educate all Soldier's, leaders and civilians as to the risks and related threats to readiness and unit performance. Rehabilitate those with potential for career military or civilian service.


An Army Substance Abuse Program that is an integral factor in sustaining the well-being and war fighting ability of USAG Yongsan & Area II United States military forces with widespread visibility and credibility as an effective customer-oriented resource. To provide the best possible services for the men and women who defend our liberty and our way of life at the lowest possible cost to the taxpayer.

To extract maximum value from every available resource. To be a place where every member of the team is valued and given the opportunity to grow in competence, be rewarded for effort and remember their time here with pride. The journey from this vision to customer value requires that we all be: Mission Focused, Customer Centered, Team Oriented, Models of Sobriety, Patient Teachers, Eager Students, Balanced in Work and in Play and Ethically Grounded.


Provides a comprehensive biopsychosocial evaluation to active duty Soldiers and their Families. The rehabilitation program is based upon the severity of the individual's involvement with substance abuse and may provide individual, group therapy, psychoeducation, couples, and/or Family counseling on a non-residential/outpatient (Level I) or partial inpatient/residential (Level II) basis.

Program design allows for flexibility and offers a wide variety of rehabilitation modalities structured to meet both individual needs and Army requirements for effective duty performance. Modalities are structured within the scope of individualized, short-term rehabilitation. Placement in Level I or Level II is based upon American Society of Addictive Medicine criteria regarding the severity of impairment.


"Prevention" can be defined as a proactive process which empowers individuals and groups to meet the challenges of life events and transitions by creating and reinforcing conditions that promote healthy behaviors and life styles. Alcohol and drug abuse prevention includes all measures taken to deter and reduce to the lowest possible level, the abuse or misuse of alcohol and other drugs. All classes are FREE and open to eligible personnel.

Purpose: To provide commanders, Unit Prevention Leaders (UPLs), soldiers, DA civilians, contractors and family members the education and training necessary to make informed decisions about alcohol and other drug use, to provide commanders the resources and tools to meet their annual four (4) hours of alcohol and other drug awareness training requirement IAW AR 600-85, and provide prevention tools to deter substance abuse.

The purpose of the prevention education program is to deter illicit substance abuse through education. Prevention education provides soldiers and civilian employees with the knowledge about legal and illegal drugs and the consequence of their abuse. Classes are conducted on alcohol, cocaine, club drugs, and other emerging drugs and drug trends.

Objectives: Provide up to date information on drug and alcohol trends affecting military communities; Provide training materials and resources for commanders and UPLs to utilize in training and educating the unit about alcohol and other drugs; Provide the community a resource for drug and alcohol information; Provide alcohol and other drug abuse prevention products to Military communities.

The goal of the prevention education program is to train four (4) hours of substance abuse information to 100% of the military community and three (3) hours of substance abuse information to all members of the civilian workforce.


The EAP provides active duty military Family members, retirees, civilian employees and their Family members with screening, assessments, short-term counseling, confidential referrals and assistance for problems that may affect their job performance and/or conduct on the job. The EAP offers free classes on stress management, substance abuse prevention, and other healthy living/resiliency skills.

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided by the Army is designed to help employees and their family members with problems that may affect their well being and their ability to do their job. The program also assists supervisors and managers in dealing with performance problems in the workforce. Military retirees and their family members of active duty soldiers are also eligible.

The Employee Assistance Program Coordinator (EAPC), located at Army Substance Abuse Program Bldg. 5216, can provide the following services:

• Problems identification, assessment, and short-term counseling.

• Referral to support service options consistent need and resources.

• Follow-up services to assist employees if job readjustment issues occur.

• Training education for supervisors and employees about substance abuse and other concerns related to the work environment.

• Presentations to publicize the availability, purpose, and services of the program.

The EAP services are: Employee or supervisor calls to schedule initial appointment; Confidential assessment is completed; Referral is made consistent with needs and resources.


The purpose of the risk reduction program is to reduce high-risk behavior in soldiers. Objectives: Train leaders in identifying and reducing high risk factors; Identify and target high risk behaviors for prevention; Promote risk reduction as a prevention strategy; Prevent unhealthy and destructive behaviors; Increase soldier and unit readiness.

The Risk Reduction Program is a Commander's Program that is visually presented as a target which depicts 14 high risk behaviors. High risk behavior rates are displayed on a shot group. Rates in the red ring could indicate the problem areas. From this the commander can decide which action to take to solve the behavioral problems. The program focuses on effective use of installation resources and coordinates effort between agencies utilizing the Installation Prevention Team to implement effective interventions.


The Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) supports Suicide Prevention programs as defined in the Army Health Promotion Regulation (600-63) through the Community Health Promotion Council (CHPC). The CHPC integrates multidisciplinary capabilities to assist commanders in implementing local suicide-prevention programs, and establishes the importance of early identification of, and intervention with problems that detract from personal and unit readiness.

The program supports the Army's goal to minimize suicidal behavior by reducing the risk of suicide for Active Army and Reserve Component Soldiers, Army civilians, and Army Family members. Suicide-prevention programs implement control measures to address and minimize risk factors for suicide while strengthening the factors that mitigate those risks.

Objectives: Secure the safety of individuals at risk for suicide; Minimize the adverse effects of suicidal behavior on unit cohesion and other military and civilian personnel; Preserve mission effectiveness and war fighting capabilities.

Suicide Prevention Hotline (Korea-Wide)

DSN 118

COMM: 0808-555-118


An active and aggressive drug testing program can serve as a powerful tool and an effective deterrent against substance abuse. Drug testing can detect various drugs with a high degree of specificity. It is Army policy to use drug testing to preserve the health of Army Soldiers by identifying alcohol and drug abusers in order to provide appropriate counseling, rehabilitation, or other medical treatment; to permit commanders to assess the security, military fitness, good order and discipline of their commands; and to take appropriate action based upon such an assessment. Breath testing is an integral component of the drug program and has proved an invaluable tool for commanders.

The Army Biochemical Testing Program encompasses the Active Army, National Guard and the Army Reserve. The program is a command program, composed of the soldier, the commander, the Unit Prevention Leader (UPL), the Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) staff, the Forensic Toxicology Drug Testing Laboratories (FTDTL), the Medical Review Officer, and the Staff Judge Advocate. The program has three primary goals.

First, to deter soldiers from abusing drugs (including illegal drugs and other illicit drugs).

Second, as a tool for commanders to assess the security, military fitness, good order and discipline of their commands.

Third, to serve as a basis to take appropriate action, adverse or other (including referral for treatment), with a soldier based on a positive test result.

The objectives of the Army's Biochemical Testing Program are to:

1. Deter soldiers, including those members on initial entry on AD after enlistment or appointment, from abusing drugs (including illegal drugs, other illicit substances, and prescribed medication).

2. Facilitate early identification of alcohol and/or other drug abuse.

3. Enable commanders to assess the security, military fitness, good order and discipline of their units, and to use information obtained to take appropriate action (e.g., UCMJ, administrative, or other actions, including referral to the ASAP clinic for screening, evaluation, and possible treatment).

4. Monitor rehabilitation of those who require testing as part of their rehabilitation plan.

5. Determine the presence of a controlled substance in the urine or alcohol in the blood or breath during inspections.

6. Collect data on the prevalence of alcohol and/or other drug abuse within the Army.

The Department of Defense mandates that the forensic toxicology laboratory tests for seven categories of drugs. Every urine sample is tested for THC, Cocaine, Amphetamines, and Opiates. Tests for Barbiturates, LSD, and PCP are done on a random rotational basis. Steroids can be tested on an as needed basis.

Army Substance Abuse Program Manager

DSN 738-5297

Suicide Prevention Program Manager

DSN 738-5293

Risk Reduction Program Coordinator

DSN 738-5296

ASAP Prevention Office Admin

DSN 738-5301

Drug Testing Control Officer

DSN 738-5290


DSN 738-5290

Prevention Coordinator

DSN 738-5292

Employment Assistance Program Coordinator

DSN 738-5294

Clinical Director

DSN 738-5457

ASAP Counselor

DSN 738-5498/5455/5464/5471

ASAP Clinical Admin

DSN 738-5460

FAX: DSN 315-738-5291

COMMERCIAL: 011-82-2-7918-5291 (Calling Direct from the States)

HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday to Friday: 0730-1630

LOCATION: Bldg. 3707 (Next to South Post Chapel and Across from Dragon Hill Lodge); USAG Yongsan, Seoul, South Korea

MAILING ADDRESS: PSC 303, Box 48, Unit 15333; APO AP 96205-5333

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