FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan. (Dec. 2, 2013) -- The Army's premier military gaming web site recently received a new look that makes it easier to navigate.
The MilGaming web portal https://milgaming.army.mil provides a gateway to the Army's Games for Training program, which is managed by the Training and Doctrine Command Capability Manager -- Gaming. TCM Gaming is the centralized planner, manager and integrator for Army gaming capabilities.
"The site has better graphics as well as the look and feel of Web 2.0 features," said Marco Conners, deputy of TCM -- Gaming. "The improvements are part of a regular update cycle that helps the Games for Training program stay relevant and add new technological features."
Improvements reduce the number of clicks required to get to the most-used items on the site, he said. MilGaming provides news, training events, online instruction, technical support, expert forums and training scenarios. It offers links to products such as Virtual Battlespace 2, known as VBS2, VBS2 Fires and Moral Combat.
Conners said the improvements get the site ready for the introduction of VBS3 in early 2014.
The MilGaming portal, which is accessible with a Common Access Card, supports commercial and government off-the-shelf software products to support training for Artillery, Infantry, Armor and other branches.
Another feature is a biometrics and forensics simulation that allows Soldiers to train on site exploitation and then employ some of the newest technologies in intelligence gathering and personnel identification.
UrbanSim is a training application that allows commanders and staffs to practice the art of mission command in complex counterinsurgency and stability operations.
The web site includes a link to the MilSuite MilGaming Professional Forum https://www.milsuite.mil/book/community/spaces/apf/milgaming. This site allows users to exchange ideas, get help and share best practices for a gaming application or product.
Since 2011, the site has more than doubled its registrants to 31,500 from the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and other organizations.
TCM Gaming is a subordinate organization of Combined Arms Center-Training that manages training support and training development, and provides unit training and leader development programs and products to support Army readiness. Both organizations are located at Fort Leavenworth, home of the Combined Arms Center.
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