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By Sgt. Louis Lamar, 94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command Public AffairsNovember 18, 2013

Gen. Vincent Books, USARPAC Commander and Gen. Herbert Carlisle, PACAF Commander discuss details of the 94th AAMDC's move with Brig. Gen. Karbler after conducting a walkthrough of the new work area in the PACAF Headquarters building that the 94th AAM... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT SHAFTER, HAWAII- The 94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command is slated to move to Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam in FY2014.

Early 2013, the Pacific Air Force Commander laid out a vision for an Integrated Air and Missile Defense Center of Excellence, which will enhance cooperation between the 613th Air and Space Operations Center, Pacific Air Forces and the 94th AAMDC. In response, PACAF and the 94TH AAMDC, requested the relocation and permanent bed down of the 94th at JBPHH to fully help realize commander's integrated vision.

Currently, 94th personnel must work out of the AOC for access to special computer networks in order to communicate with our partners, especially during training exercises. Additionally, a significant portion of its headquarters already operates on the Pacific Air Operations Center domain for real world ongoing operations.

"The 94th AAMDC has shared an outstanding relationship with PACAF, the 613th AOC, and the former 13th AF," said Brig. Gen. Daniel Karbler, the commanding general of the 94th AAMDC. "We conduct operations, actions and activities on a daily basis with our PACAF partners to ensure unity of effort and command for integrated air and missile defense efforts throughout the region."

Karbler is doctrinally dual-hatted as both the Theater Army Air and Missile Defense Coordinator to the Joint Forces Land Component Commander or theater Army Commander and the Deputy Area Air Defense Commander to the Joint Forces Air Component Commander.

The 94th AAMDC is assigned to the United States Army Pacific Command but in direct support of United States Pacific Air Force. All of the 94th's operational plans are nested with both USARPAC and PACAF.

94th AAMDC works in close coordination with the 613th Air Operations Center and PACAF Staff on a daily basis to refine existing operation plans and maximize IAMD capabilities.

Karbler said, "Additionally, co-location of our staffs will further enable the direct support relationship that the 94th AAMDC shares with PACAF."

Moving to Hickam would provide a linkage to the same domains and greater engagement opportunities with the 613TH AOC staff.

With the U.S. Army's strategic role growing and focusing on rebalancing the Pacific, the move to JBPHH would provide commanders with the Joint assets they need to complete their missions more effectively.

The 613th AOC currently serves as the Main Command Post for the 94th AAMDC. The command participates in several theater level exercises from this location. Additionally, during real world contingency and crisis operations, the 613th AOC is the location that 94th AAMDC command group fights from. Merging the 94th AAMDC staff on Hickam enhances mission command by unifying the staffs.