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Halloween events Signal support of Army's family covenant

By Liana Kim, 311th Signal Command (Theater) Public AffairsOctober 29, 2013

Capt. Littlejohn
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Duff Man
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The Foust Family
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Batman and Friends
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Furry Friends
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In order to promote fitness, morale and the Army family covenant, the 311th Signal Command (Theater) leadership team held two Halloween events, a costume run in the morning and a Trunk-or-Treat event for the children in the afternoon, at Fort Shafter, Oct. 25.

The costume run was hosted by the Headquarters and Headquarters Company Commander, Capt. Jason Grams, to promote fitness and morale. In lieu of the company's regularly scheduled morning Physical Training, the Soldiers were invited to attend in costume. Following the run, the group held an informal award ceremony to vote on and recognize the best costumes.

The Trunk-or-Treat event was co-hosted by the Family Readiness Group leaders of HHC, 311th SC(T) and HHC, 516th Signal Brigade, to boost morale and support the core tenet of the Army Covenant - to improve the quality of life for Soldiers and their Families. Family members parked their cars along the curb by the gazebo outside 311th command headquarters building and opened their trunks of goodies for costume-clad children and their parents to trick-or-treat.

The 311th SC(T), headquartered at Fort Shafter, is the designated Signal Command for

the Pacific Theater and provides ongoing support for cooperative military exercises with partner nations throughout the Pacific and Warfighters around the world. Her primary mission is to plan, build, operate, defend, and extend secure Army and Joint networks throughout the Pacific Theater, and support cyberspace operations to ensure US/Allied freedom of action in cyberspace.

The 311th provides support for two assigned Signal Brigades, the 516th Sig. Bde. also headquartered at Fort Shafter and the 1st Signal Brigade at Yongsan Garrison in South Korea.

The 516th Sig. Bde. provides support to four battalions which carry out both tactical and strategic missions throughout the Pacific: the 30th Signal Battalion and 307th Expeditionary Signal Battalion in Hawaii, the 59th Signal Battalion in Alaska, and the 78th Signal Battalion in Honshu, Japan.

Related Links:

311th Signal Command (Theater)

516th Signal Brigade Facebook