FORT JACKSON, S.C. -- Military installations have pulled the dietary supplement Craze from store shelves, prompted by a new study claiming the product contains a derivative of methamphetamine.
Craze is the second dietary supplement to be pulled from the shelves of military bases in October. Earlier this month, the Marine Corps pulled the dietary supplements OxyElite Pro from stores following concerns that it might have played a role in cases of acute hepatitis and liver failure in Hawaii.
"We received guidance on this a few weeks back," said Don Sydlik, general manager of the Fort Jackson Exchange. "The Exchange and GNC have not carried any form of OxyELITE containing DMAA in its main stores since December, 2011."
OxyElite Pro is sold in both powder and pill form and is marketed as a way to reduce body fat. OxyElite Pro was later reintroduced without the controversial DMAA ingredient since the 2011 ban.
"(OxyELITE) was removed from all military GNC locations on Army and Air Force installations as of Oct. 9," said Scott Nahrwold, Fort Jackson deputy garrison commander.
"The reformulated OxyELITE was never carried in Exchange retail stores and was removed from all military GNC locations on Army and Air Force installations as of Oct. 9," Sydlik said. "The Exchange has never carried Craze in its main stores, and its GNC concession locations removed Craze from its shelves on Oct. 17. I have personally checked our shelves and we are clean of both products."
Some supplements can be dangerous and limit the combat effectiveness of Soldiers, predisposing them to heat or other injuries, said Col. Mark Higdon, Moncrief Army Community Hospital commander.
"All Soldiers should investigate dietary or other supplements before taking them," Higdon said. "The recent news concerning banned substances being discovered in a commercially produced dietary supplement further highlights the fact that the Federal Drug Administration does not regulate or certify supplements."
Health care providers should be consulted before using any supplements, he said.
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