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By Cheryle RivasJuly 21, 2008

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Ladies Planeside
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FORT BRAGG, NC-The U.S. Army Parachute Team, the Golden Knights, known worldwide as the Army's ambassadors, will have the opportunity to represent the Army and the USA as they compete internationally for the 2008 World Parachuting Championships. The U.S. Army Parachute Team's female Style and Accuracy team will travel to the Slovak Republic for the 30th FAI World Style and Accuracy Parachuting Championships July 22nd for competition against 22 countries. The team won Gold in the Military World Games competition and several awards during the U.S. National competition (both in 2007.) The women qualified for the World Championships by placing in the top three overall at the U.S. Nationals competition in 2007. They will be joined by two other civilian women to comprise Team USA for the World Championships. Team USA competitors include (U.S.A.P.T. members) Sergeant 1st Class Elisa Tennyson, Sergeant 1st Class Karen Morrison, Sergeant 1st Class Angela Nichols and Staff Sergeant Norma Estrella (an alternate for Team USA); (civilian members) Cheryl Sterns and Mery Rose complete the team for a total of five plus one alternate. Sterns is a former Golden Knight, and multiple overall national champion. Members of the team have been training daily to prepare for competition. They will compete in the Style and Accuracy disciplines. Style is a speed event where each competitor jumps from 7,500 feet and must complete a series of six turns and loops in a race against the clock; points are given for best time. Accuracy is where the parachutist lands and places their heel on a 16 centimeter pad with a 2-centimeter electronic target from an altitude of 2,800 - 4,000 feet. The object in Accuracy is to finish with the lowest score. The U.S. Army Parachute Team (U.S.A.P.T.) is comprised of two demonstration teams, a tandem team, and two competition teams-men's and women's. The men travel to France in early August for the 18th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships. As for the women, "We're hoping for a good showing in the World Championships," noted Tennyson, whose impressive medal count includes four-Gold, five-Silver and three-Bronze. In talking about what they will expect in competition she added "We do well in Accuracy and well in Style; as a team we do both events...and we do them I believe we can bring home a medal for overall country." The women are looking forward to the competition, added Tennyson, "We are going over there representing the United States; four of us women on the team are in the Army and we represent the Armed Forces as a whole...we are going there to represent the men and women that are overseas fighting the war on terrorism."

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