Army AT Awareness Month features TARP-AT Training

By Fort Huachuca Antiterrorism OfficeJuly 29, 2013

For the second year, the 902nd Military Intelligence Detachment and the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security, or DPTMS, will host the Threat Awareness and Reporting Program, or TARP, and antiterrorism training at Murr Community Center, Aug. 13, with presentations at 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

"We have reserved multiple times throughout the day, so we can fit into your schedule, not force you to fit into ours [to meet this annual training requirement]," said Jesse Markum, installation antiterrorism officer.

Training topics include: indicators of espionage; what foreign intelligence services look for when they target U.S. personnel; insider threat indicators; what to do when you encounter a suspicious incident; and what is reportable and how to report it. Instructors will also cover radicalization -- how it happens and the dangers it poses. DPTMS antiterrorism personnel will cover how multiple threats have manifested themselves in the past, commonalities with today's attack methods, indicators of surveillance, suspicious activity and the danger of not reporting.

"What makes this really good for us at the AT Office is the timing coincides with the Army's Antiterrorism Awareness Month [in August], making our teaming with the 902nd a perfect fit. This event is user-friendly, accommodates personal schedules and meets an annual requirement, making it a win-win situation for all," Markum said.

Battalions are already requesting times to attend, and seats will fill quickly. U.S. Army Garrison sign-in sheets will be provided. All other units should provide sign-in sheets to track individual training.

For information, contact Sgt. 1st Class Josh Corbin, 533.2214 or

AT Office personnel will also provide a briefing at the monthly Military Affairs Committee luncheon at the Thunder Mountain Activity Centre Aug. 7 at 11:30 a.m.

"We're excited to be able to share parts of our AT program with our local community and business leaders, to inform and partner with them as we seek to make the Fort Huachuca and Sierra Vista area a safer place," Markum said.