WASHINGTON (June 3, 2013) -- The Army published a new handbook this month to provide leaders of all levels with the information and tools needed to address today's cybersecurity challenges, and to ensure organizations adopt the necessary practices to protect their information and the Army network.
"We must change our culture, enforce compliance, and ensure that people are accountable for proper security procedures," Secretary of the Army John McHugh said in a Feb. 1 memo mandating Information Assurance/Cybersecurity awareness training.
Currently, all Army commands are developing Information Assurance/Cybersecurity awareness training to address areas of weakness identified by the Army Information Assurance Self-Assessment Tool. During the Army Cybersecurity Awareness Week, Oct. 15-18, commanders will train personnel based on command plans and highlight the importance of individual responsibilities.
"Beyond required security training, we need you to make certain that all of your Soldiers, civilians, and contractors understand the threat they pose to operational security by not complying with IA/Cybersecurity policies and practices," McHugh said, addressing all Army leaders.
McHugh also directed all commands to incorporate Information Assurance into their command inspection programs.
More information and guidance are on the Army Information Assurance One-Stop Shop portal which is CAC accessible.
Related Documents:
SecArmy Memo on Mandatory IA/Cybersecurity [PDF]
Army Leader's IA/Cybersecurity Handbook [PDF]
Related Links:
Army Chief Information Office/G-6
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