Create Your Own Commemorative Program

Organizations are encouraged to produce their own individualized programs as they commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Desert Storm. In order to facilitate production of such items, the Center of Military History is providing the narrative and graphics from the new, revised, Desert Shield/Storm poster, as well as various pieces of relevant artwork and photographs in a downloadable, electronic format. Users are encouraged to use any materials found on this website to assist in the development of any publications or products to remember and commemorate the Army's efforts in Southwest Asia.


Map of Troop Movements from Desert Shield/Storm Poster
PLEASE NOTE -- this image is VERY large (11 x 15.75 inches/11.2MB). It will take some time to
download, and will probably require cropping for use in publications.

Smaller Version of above Troop Movements Map
(3.5 x 5 inches/1.1MB)

Overview Map of Middle East
(5 x 5.75 inches/1.75MB)

Selected Desert Shield/Storm Photographs

Selected Desert Shield/Storm Artwork

page created 27 December 2000