
AA    Antiaircraft
AAF    Army Air Forces
ACofAS    Assistant Chief of Air Staff
ACof S    Assistant Chief of Staff
ADC    Alaska Defense Command
ADF    Alaska Defense Frontier
AG    Adjutant General
AR    Army Regulations
ARCADIA    United States-British conference in Washington, December 1941-January 1942
ASF    Army Service Forces
ASGS    Assistant Secretary, General Staff
ASV    Air-to-surface-vessel (radar)
ASW    Assistant Secretary of War
AVN    Aviation
AXIS    Aircraft Warning Service
BC    Base Command
BCT    Battalion Combat Team
Bd    Board
BLUIE    Greenland
BLUIE WEST    U.S. air bases in Greenland
BOLERO    Build-up of United States forces and supplies in United Kingdom for cross-Channel attack
Br    Branch
Bull    Bulletin
Bur    Bureau
Cable    Cablegram
CAD    Civil Affairs Division
CDC    Caribbean Defense Command
CE    Corps of Engineers
CG    Commanding general
CHL    Chain Home Low
CinC    Commander in Chief
CINCLANT    Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet
CINCPAC    Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet
Cir    Circular
CNO    Chief of Naval Operations
Co    Company
CO    Commanding officer
CofAAF    Chief of the Army Air Forces
CofAC    Chief of Air Corps
CofAS    Chief of Air Staff


CofCA    Chief of Coast Artillery
Cof CWS    Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service
CofEngrs    Chief of Engineers
CofOrd    Chief of Ordnance
CofS    Chief of Staff
COMALSEC    Commander, Alaskan Sector
Comd    Command
Comdr    Commander
Comm    Committee
COMINCH    Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet
Conf    Conference
Cont    Continental
Conv    Conversation
Corresp    Correspondence
CRIMSON    Air routes through central and northeastern Canada, part of the air ferry route to the British Isles
CRYSTAL    Three meteorological stations in northern Canada
CSigO    Chief Signal Officer
CTF    Commander, Task Force
CWS    Chemical Warfare Service
CZ    Canal Zone
DCofS    Deputy Chief of Staff
Dept    Department
D/F    Disposition Form
Dir    Director
Dist    District
Doc    Document
DQMG    Deputy Quartermaster General
EDC    Eastern Defense Command
Engr    Engineer
ETO    European Theater of Operations
FDRL    Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library
FF    Field Forces
FM    Field Manual
FO    Field Orders
FY    Fiscal Year
G-1    Personnel section of a divisional or higher staff
G-2    Military intelligence section of a divisional or higher staff
G-3    Operations and training section of a divisional or higher staff
G-4    Supply and evacuation section of a divisional or higher staff
GBC    Greenland Base Command
GCI    Ground controlled interception (radar)
GHQ    General Headquarters
GO    General Orders
H. Doc.    House Document


IBC    Iceland Base Command
Ind    Indorsement
INDIGO    Plan for movement of troops to Iceland
Instr    Instructions
Interv    Interview
JAG    Judge Advocate General
JB    Joint Army and Navy Board
JCS    Joint Chiefs of Staff
JPs    Joint Staff Planners
Jt    Joint
MID    Military Intelligence Division
Min    Minutes
MIS    Military Intelligence Service
Mtg    Meeting
NBC    Newfoundland Base Command
N.d.    No date
NOB    Naval operating base
NYPE    New York Port of Embarkation
OCD    Office of Civilian Defense
OCS    Office of the Chief of Staff
OCSigO    Office of the Chief Signal Officer
ODCofS    Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff
OFF    Office of Facts and Figures
ONI    Office of Naval Intelligence
OQMG    Office of The Quartermaster General
ORANGE    Prewar plan for operations in event of war with Japan
PBY    Twin-engine Navy patrol-bomber
PCD    Panama Canal Department
PJBD    Permanent Joint Board on Defense
PMG    Provost Marshal General
PRD    Puerto Rican Department
P/W    Prisoner of war
QMC    Quartermaster Corps
Rad    Radiogram
RAF    Royal Air Force
RAINBOW    Various plans prepared between 1939 and 1941 to meet Axis aggression
RCAF    Royal Canadian Air Force
Rcd    Record
RLG    Regimental Landing Group
ROUNDUP    Plan for major United States-British attack across the Channel in 1943
Rpt Report


SDC    Southern Defense Command
Secy    Secretary
Sess.    Session
SGS    Secretary, General Staff
SLC    Standing Liaison Committee (of State, War, and Navy Departments)
SLEDGEHAMMER    Plan for limited cross-Channel attack in 1942
SN    Secretary of the Navy
SOS    Services of Supply
S&P    Strategy and Policy
SPOBS    Special Observer Group, London
SW    Secretary of War
TAG    The Adjutant General
TBC    Trinidad Base Command
Tel    Telephone
Telg    Telegram
TIG    The Inspector General
Trans    Transportation
TS    Trinidad Sector
USAFBI    U.S. Army Forces in the British Isles
USAFMIDPAC    U.S. Army Forces, Middle Pacific
USAF    United States Air Force
USAT    United States Army Transport
USO    United Service Organizations
USW    Under Secretary of War
WD    War Department
WDC    Western Defense Command
WDCMC    War Department Classified Message Center
WDCSA    Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
WDSS    War Department Special Staff
WPD    War Plans Division
WSF    Western Sea Frontier


page created 30 May 2002

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