ADA Soldiers practice chem warfare skills

By Staff Sgt. Nathan Akridge, 31st ADA Public AffairsFebruary 1, 2013

Dress in 8 minutes
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT SILL, Okla.-- "Gas, gas, gas!"

These are three words that no Soldier wants to hear on the battlefield, but with more countries possessing chemical weapons, the threat of a chemical agent attack is ever present in combat.

Headquarters and Head-quarters Battery, 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade Soldiers recently conducted chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) training. For the battery's leadership, the purpose of the training was quite clear.

"With the threats we face as air defenders in today's world, our Soldiers have to be up on their life-saving skills," said 1st Sgt. Robert Bedford, "and, if you feel like I do, donning a protective mask in less than nine seconds is one of those skills."

The Soldiers had to don not only their protective mask, but also their entire Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology, or J-List, in eight minutes, to include the rubber protective boots and gloves. Although the training was straight forward, many of the Soldiers thought the approach made it very memorable.

"Our first sergeant made it a fun challenge by timing us," said Spc. Tiffany McWilliams. "It made us bond together and compete with each other. It was fun watching each other and our leadership putting their J-List gear on."

Some Soldiers learned a great deal about their Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) Level IV suit.

"It was my first time putting on the MOPP suit. This is my second duty station, and I never put it on in Korea," said Pfc. Dacoda Worth. "I'm glad that I learned how to put it on correctly because now I am better prepared for a situation where I have to use it. I feel more comfortable with it."

Staff Sgt. Charles Howard, 31st ADA noncommissioned officer in charge of CBRN, stressed to the Soldiers this is not a one-time training event.

"Training for CBRN is a continuous process. It's not something you react to; it's something you prepare for," Howard said.