U.S. Army Garrison Fort A.P. Hill Town Hall

By U.S. ArmyJanuary 23, 2013

Lt. Col. Peter E. Dargle briefs town hall, january 1013.
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

In October 2012 the Fort A.P. Hill command group asked members of the AP

Hill team to take the Command Climate Survey to identify how "We" were doing

and where "I" needed to place additional Command emphasis to improve both

the quality of life and the quality of our mission.

On Jan. 17 we held our Town Hall to review the trends and results of our

survey, to look at current Garrison initiatives, future Garrison endeavors

and answer questions on current and future Garrison issues. I applaud the

great participation so that you could glean information and guidance on

actions, activities, programs the Command will implement to address

identified issues and challenges.

We will continue to work hard to address concerns associated with Resource

Challenges (Manpower), Planning Efforts, Individual and Collective Training

Programs and Communication. Our greatest challenge of these is

communication. Our first and most important step now is to establish and

retain strong personal relationships with each other and between our
