Soldiers gain special skills in The Old Guard

By Sgt. Luisito BrooksNovember 8, 2012

Soldiers gain special skills with The Old Guard
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Sgt. Mychael Begaye, infantryman, 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), tries out for the U.S. Army Drill Team [USADT] at Joint Base Myer " Henderson Hall, Va. Soldiers who make the team can learn and hone their rifle drilling skills in the USAD... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Soldiers gain special skills with The Old Guard
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Spc. Dmitry Malkov, infantryman, Caisson Platoon , 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard, trains a Soldier on how to prepare and maintain horse equipment at the Caisson horse stables on Joint Base Myer - Henderson Hall, Va., Oct. 18. The Old Guar... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

For many Soldiers, the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard) is a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience and perform missions that are truly one of a kind. Many of these unique opportunities can be found within the regiment's specialty platoons, such as the U.S. Army Drill Team [USADT] and the U.S. Army Caisson Platoon, among others.

Often, Soldiers will come into these units with little to no experience in the required skills. That's why each of these platoons has very specific training programs to turn these Soldiers into experts at what they do.

"We are always looking for [Soldiers] that show good initiative and discipline to join our platoon," said Sgt. Drew Hilliard, Caisson Platoon's basic horsemanship course [BHC] noncommissioned officer in charge. "No matter what platoon you are in, the preparation and guidance you're given allows you to grow and learn skills that I never thought of."

The Caisson Platoon has the solemn mission to carry deceased Soldiers to their final resting place in Arlington National Cemetery, Va. For Soldiers with no riding experience, their training is critical in raising them to the high standards they must meet.

"Everyone struggles at first, but if they push themselves then any mission is possible," Hilliard said. "It is my job to help them be the best Caisson Soldier they can be. I get to help other Soldiers appreciate the unit and Caisson because of what we represent."

Spc. Dmitry Malkov went into his training with the Caisson with no prior experience in his new skill set. During the training, Malkov learned how to perform ground work, horse gear maintenance, horse care and riding. Now he's an instructor in the nine-week-long course.

"If you would have told me about two years ago that I was going to join the Army and go to a unit where I could train and take care of horses, I would have said that you were a little crazy," said Malkov, who emigrated from the Ukraine 10 years ago. "I used to be a little worried around all these large animals, but I quickly learned that they are no more dangerous to me than I am to them."

With a less solemn task, but no less rigid standards of performance, the Drill Team also tailors its training to meet the needs of the team and its newest members. Tasked with showcasing the U.S. Army at home and abroad, the team must know its routines and techniques inside and out and be able to perform them flawlessly in front of huge crowds.

Sgt. Mychael Begaye, an infantryman with no prior training in rifle drilling, said how good the instruction was for those Soldiers with no experience.

"The training was great not only because it covers the basic fundamentals to be successful, but it also has great practices that I can apply in other areas of my career and in life," said Begaye.

"Basic rifle manual teaches us discipline on and off the front stage," he added. "Some of the routines require you to use muscles that have never been used before. I learned how to overcome challenges mentally and physically, and now I am better Soldier because of it."

With all the high-flying aerial displays of bayonet-tipped 1903 Springfield rifles, there are very small margins for error. Begaye said the most important aspect for these Soldiers is the pursuit of perfection.

"Each move requires the highest amount of focus for us to be successful," he said. "I was a little nervous with the rifle at first because I have never done anything like it, but I learned to just take control of it and execute the maneuvers. Even though it can be very dangerous, we train enough that many possible injuries are prevented."

With his new found confidence, Begaye has set even bigger goals for himself.

"One of my goals now is to perform in front of thousands of people and showcase the Army," said Begaye. "This team travels the world to show how disciplined, tough and trained we are."

Having overcome their own obstacles to earn positions in The Old Guard's specialty platoons, Hillard and Begaye are grateful they took that chance.

"Having the opportunity to do a job not found anywhere in the Army is really fortunate of the Soldiers of this unit," said Begaye. "All of these different platoons can be found in one unit, and only one percent of the Army does what we are able to learn and do."