Via presents the current state of AMC

By Cherish Washington, AMC Public AffairsNovember 6, 2012

"Breakfast with the Boss" program
Gen. Dennis L. Via, AMC's commanding general, presents the current state of AMC during the Redstone-Huntsville Chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army's "Breakfast with the Boss" program at the Summit on Redstone Arsenal, Ala., Friday, Nov. 2. U.... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. -- The Redstone-Huntsville Chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army hosted a Breakfast with the Boss program featuring Gen. Dennis L. Via, Army Materiel Command commanding general, at the Summit here Friday, Nov. 4.

Breakfast with the Boss is a bi-annual program established to provide its members an opportunity to hear from key leaders on Redstone Arsenal, Ala.

Via began his remarks by congratulating the chapter for its eighth "Best AUSA Chapter" in the world award for 2012. The chapter has won the award every year from 2004 through 2008, and then again in 2010, 2011 and this year.

During the breakfast, Via gave a presentation on the current state of AMC to include equipping the joint warfighter, research and technology, foreign military sales, the industrial base, sustainment, materiel distribution and a list of five 'must-dos' that AMC is working to accomplish.

"First, we must continue to be responsive to meeting the needs of the deployed warfighter and ensure our Soldiers remain the best equipped fighting force the world has ever known. That is AMC's bottom line," Via stated.

Via stressed resetting the force and ensuring they are ready for the next contingency. He also discussed the industrial base.

"We must preserve our organic industrial base, our arsenals, depots and ammunition plants, which are the center piece of Army readiness," Via said.

The industrial base is made up of approximately 32 sites across the U.S. that manufacture, refurbish and reset the Army's tanks, automotive, aviation, missile, C4 (command, control, communications and computers), and munitions systems.

Via continued by focusing on technology and the workforce.

"We must continue to invest in science and technology, operational energy, to ensure we maintain our technological advantage," Via said. "We must also ensure the health of the workforce and ensure that we are building leaders, managers, senior officers, members of the SES [senior executive service] and scientists and engineers for the future."

"From thousands of skilled, trained personnel who work at our depots and arsenals, to engineers and scientists engaged in some of the most advanced research projects in the world: to the commanders, Department of the Army Civilians, officers, non-commissioned officers, and managers that lead our organizations and activities -- the foundation of our success will remain our people," Via said.

Via also remarked that AMC has successfully reached a "BRAC-steady state" after cutting the ribbon on its Huntsville home nearly 18 months ago.

"Soldiers and civilians in the Huntsville/Madison area have settled in and solidified their presence in the local community, in your neighborhoods, in your schools, in your places of worship, and in your many community organizations and activities," he continued.

"I've lived in many communities throughout the United States over the past 32 years. It's clear our military here shares a special bond with Redstone and we are proud to call the Tennessee Valley our home."

He also highlighted that AMC benefits from: the synergy existing with the co-located commands, long established relationships, local research and development, science and technology sectors, the presence of the defense industry, academia and support of the local community.

Via concluded, "With your continued support, your continued friendship, the United States Army Materiel Command stands ready to make a global impact in support of our Army and joint forces, while continuing to provide our nations' warfighters with the decisive edge."