AMEDD Regiment Receives New Leadership

By Valecia L. Dunbar, Army MedicineOctober 1, 2012

AMEDD Regiment Receives New Leadership
From L to R:
Lt. Gen. Patricia D. Horoho, Surgeon General and Commanding General, U.S. Army Medical Command; Sgt. Maj. (Ret) Bob Ampula (Administrative Officer, U.S. Army Medical Department Regiment); Sgt. Maj. (Ret) Kasha Zilka (Administrator for ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

Lt. Gen Patricia D. Horoho, Surgeon General and Commanding General U.S. Army Medical Command, presided over the Change of the Regiment held at Fort Sam Houston's AMEDD Museum on Friday, September 28, 2012.

The Honorary Colonels and Sergeants Major U.S. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Regiment provide a link with history for today's Soldiers. The primary mission of these special appointees is to perpetuate the history and traditions of the regiment thereby enhancing unit morale, fostering regimental esprit, traditions, and perpetuation of the history of the regiment. The duties of the Honorary Colonel and Honorary Sergeant Major are ceremonial and do not conflict with the chain of command.

Outgoing Honorary Colonel of the Regiment, Maj. Gen. (Ret) Patrick D. Sculley, and outgoing Honorary Sergeant Major of the Regiment, Command Sgt. Maj. (Ret) Stephen E. Spadaro, relinquished their responsibilities to incoming Honorary Colonel of the Regiment, Maj. Gen (Ret) Carla Hawley-Bowland and incoming Honorary Sergeant Major of the Regiment, Command Sgt. Maj. (Ret) Cornell Richardson Jr.

Following the reorganization of the U.S. Army Medical Department that introduced the brigade as the replacement for the regiment, some Army units lost their identity, their lineage, and their history. The U.S. Army Regimental System was created in 1981 to provide Soldiers with continuous identification with a single regiment. The U.S. Army Regimental System states the mission of the regiment is to enhance combat effectiveness through a framework that provides the opportunity for affiliation, develops loyalty and commitment, fosters a sense of belonging, improves unit esprit, and institutionalizes the war-fighting ethos. The AMEDD Regiment was activated on 28 July, 1986, during ceremonies at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, the "Home of Army Medicine."

The history of the AMEDD Regiment is located on the Army Medicine website at: