Fort Rucker Primary School open house educates parents

By Nathan Pfau, Army Flier Staff WriterSeptember 13, 2012

Fort Rucker Primary School open house educates parents
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT RUCKER, Ala. (September 13, 2012) -- The first days of school can be difficult for some Families, but the Fort Rucker Primary School makes it easier for parents by educating them on what a typical day for their child is like.

The primary school had its open house Sept 6.

Parents were invited to talk with teachers, take a tour of the classrooms and learn about the daily life of their children while they are at school.

"We [at the Fort Rucker Primary School] thought it would be a good opportunity for the parents to come in and experience what their child experiences every day at school," said Debbie S. Deas, Fort Rucker Primary School principal. "They had the opportunity to look at their children's work and it was a great chance for everybody to share and get acquainted with one another."

Earlier in the school year, the primary school hosted a Sneak Peak where parents could come and meet with the teachers, but Sylvia Thornton, music teacher for Fort Rucker Primary School, said they wanted to provide a more in-depth experience for the parents.

"With the [open house], parents get the chance to actually see what the kids are learning," she said. "The students are a lot more involved now and the parents can see exactly what they are working on."

Ashley Bronson, whose 4-year-old daughter Jayden attends the primary school, said it was a good chance for her to see what her daughter does throughout the day as well as an opportunity for Jayden to show some of her favorite things at school.

"[She] is really proud of what [she] does at school," said Bronson. "I think it's just a nice thing to know what your child is learning and to get to see all of the hands-on things that they do."

During their time in the classroom, Jayden was showing her mother where they read and her favorite book, but Bronson said she was most surprised by the quality of education at the primary school.

"I was really surprised by everything that they teach the children in pre-k," she said. "I'm just really happy and pleased overall with the staff and everything that she brings home from learning at school."

The school also does home visits before school starts to better know the Families of those that will be attending, and that is another feature that Bronson said she was extremely pleased with.

"I think that the home visits are such a special touch," she said. "To get that one-on-one experience and to be able to meet the teachers … I absolutely loved that. I know it's a lot for them to do and I really appreciate the time they made to do that."

CW3 Jimmy and Pamela Spiri, parents of 4-year-old triplet boys, Jesse, Jacob and James, as well as 3 year-old Anna, said the home visits were also something that they appreciated.

"I thought the home visits were an awesome idea," said Jimmy, who is also a Chinook training and instructor pilot. "I think it's wonderful for them to actually come and see where the kids are staying and everything."

The Spiris said they came to the open house in order to see what their boys would come home and talk about every day and said they were happy with the experience that they had and overall were impressed with the primary school.

"I'm happy with how everything has gone and the kids just love it here," said Pamela. "[The boys] really, really love it and the teachers are just amazing and great. When they come home from school, they just can't be quiet about everything that they are doing at school and we just wanted to come see everything that they talk about."

"I've been impressed with all of the smart boards and technology they are using here," Jimmy added. "That's one of the things that our kids pointed out to us -- the computers. As everything is progressing, they are keeping up with technology … and I just think it's really cool."

Deas said that it's important for parents to see how their children are learning to not only better understand how they are learning, but to help continue that education when they go home for the day.

"Any time a parent knows what a child is doing at school, they can reinforce that learning at home and it increases the child's success at school and in life," she said. "Especially with the technology [that the school is using], it's important for parents to see what we are using and doing."