LOGCAP IV logistics contract awarded through full and open competition

By Mr. Paul Boyce (FORSCOM)April 18, 2008

The U.S. Army announced today, April 17, the selection of three

companies on a full and open competition basis that will augment

essential logistics support services to military forces in the field.

The Logistics Civil Augmentation Program, or LOGCAP, uses private sector

contractors to provide a broad range of logistics and support services

to U.S. and allied forces during combat, such as those missions now

under way in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as to other contingency,

peacekeeping, humanitarian and training operations.

The three companies awarded under the full and open competition process

are DynCorp International LLC of Fort Worth, Texas; Fluor

Intercontinental Inc., of Greenville, S.C.; and Kellogg, Brown and Root

(KBR) Services of Houston, Texas. A total of five companies submitted


The three LOGCAP IV performance contracts were originally awarded to the

same companies on June 27, 2007. Following the contract announcement,

two unsuccessful offerors filed protests with the Government

Accountability Office. The GAO upheld the protests on Oct. 5, 2007, and

the Army subsequently implemented the corrective actions recommended by

the GAO leading to today's contract award announcement.

The fourth in a series of LOGCAP contracts awarded since the late 1990s,

LOGCAP IV was awarded based on an innovative strategy using several new

support techniques. This strategy calls for multiple contractors to

deliver services under LOGCAP, instead of using a single contractor as

in the past. Under the strategy, planning support and performance

functions have been split among different contractors to allow the Army

to more effectively manage the number and scope of LOGCAP actions. The

three performance contractors will compete for individual LOGCAP task

orders, creating a competitive environment meant to control costs and

enhance quality.

"By using sound business practices the Army is confident that the LOGCAP

IV contractors will provide excellent value and performance, provide

Soldiers with the best services available and be able to respond quickly

to emerging requirements as identified in the LOGCAP mission," said the

Hon. Nelson M. Ford, Acting Under Secretary of the Army.

The types of services that will be delivered under the LOGCAP IV

performance contracts are similar to those currently delivered under the

LOGCAP III contract, which was also awarded through full and open

competition. These services include supply operations, such as the

delivery of food, water, fuel, spare parts, and other items; field

operations, such as dining and laundry facilities, housing, sanitation,

waste management, postal services, and Morale, Welfare and Recreation

activities; and other operations, including engineering and

construction, support to communication networks, transportation and

cargo services, and facilities maintenance and repair.

"LOGCAP IV uses competition to deliver the best quality at the right

price for our men and women around the world. This approach provides

our Soldiers the quality and value that the American public expects for

their tax dollars," concluded Ford.

The LOGCAP IV performance contracts are being awarded as Indefinite

Quantity / Indefinite Delivery (ID / IQ) contracts with one base year

and nine option years. Each contract has a maximum value of up to $5

billion per year. This allows the Army to award a total annual maximum

value of $15 billion and a lifetime maximum value of $150 billion.

Each LOGCAP contract has been awarded through full and open competition.

Brown & Root Services held the LOGCAP I contract from 1992-1996; DynCorp

held LOGCAP II from 1997 through 2001 and KBR held the LOGCAP III

contract from 2001 to the present. In February 2007, the U.S. Army

Sustainment Command selected Serco, Inc. to provide planning and program

support under a separate LOGCAP IV contract.

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For more information contact: Lt. Col. Martin Downie at phone (703) 697-7591 or Mr. Dan Carlson at (309) 782-5421