Parking changes protect live oaks

By Fort Jackson DPWAugust 16, 2012

FORT JACKSON, S.C. -- In an effort to protect the trees lining one of Fort Jackson's main roads, some motorists will have to change their parking habits.

Parking in the median of Hampton Parkway will be prohibited effective Monday. The no-parking policy will be enforced by Military Police. Employees who work along Hampton Parkway are asked to use other available parking areas.

The new policy was implemented to repair damages and provide protection to live oaks planted in the median. The damage to the trees was discovered after an employee of the Soldier Support Institute submitted an Interactive Customer Evaluation comment about the potential harm to the roots of the trees caused by parked cars.

Employees with the Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Division conducted a site visit to find out if the trees were damaged. It was determined that the vehicles parking under the live oak trees on the root zone had compacted the soil to the point that air, water and nutrients could not penetrate to the roots.

Some of the trees have dying limbs, which is a sign of stress. In addition, the vehicles parking under the trees have killed the grass cover, exposing bare soil that is being eroded during storm events.

Continuing to allow parking in the median would cause further weakening of the trees and erosion issues and accelerate the mortality of the trees.

This is an example of how the garrison uses ICE to receive comments from customers and take appropriate action.

ICE comments can be submitted by using the Fort Jackson ICE site, fa=site8a010ecc24ee95aaff318a57a8a05331bd11862e88b5555745b06f246abb0aa8b7deb2a36399216b3083aac690621b605e2c2e30f8aa3601d1b500580a6022d9site_id=1478a010ecc24ee95aaff318a57a8a05331bd11862e88b5555745b06f246abb0aa8b7deb2a36399216b3083aac690621b605e2c2e30f8aa3601d1b500580a6022d9dep=DoD or by clicking on ICE from the list at the bottom of the Fort Jackson website.