Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Richard A. Cody quote

By Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Richard A. CodyApril 10, 2008

Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Richard A. Cody quote
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

We asked our Soldiers to sprint, and they did. We asked them to run a marathon, and they have. That marathon has become an enduring relay and our Soldiers continue to run, and at the double time. Does this exhaust the body and mind of those in the race, and those who are ever present on the sidelines, cheering their every step' Yes. Has it broken the will of the Soldier' No. Our Soldiers do not quit. They stand on a tradition of victory for this country, and don't just want to run the race, they want to win it. We can not take their resiliency for granted.

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Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Richard A. Cody Testimony