Everton takes reins of aviation mission equipment

By Beth SkarupaJuly 18, 2012

Col. Anthony Potts
Project manager for aviation systems Col. Anthony Potts, center, prepares to make his remarks at Friday's change of charter ceremony for the Aviation Mission Equipment Product Office with outgoing product manager Lt. Col. James Bamburg, left, and inc... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Friday the 13th turned out to be the perfect day for the Aviation Mission Equipment Product Office change of charter ceremony.

The date was appropriate because, as project manager for aviation systems Col. Anthony Potts noted in his remarks at the July 13 ceremony, outgoing product manager Lt. Col. James Bamburg was the 13th product manager he had worked with. He explained that when Bamburg assumed his duties he told him that he was number 13, far away from being number 12.

"I said it's gotta get a whole lot better or you won't survive. Talk about survival. The heart he has," Potts said. "I don't have a comparison for the heart he has as a Soldier and for other Soldiers … He lives for Soldiers. He's an amazing guy. It has been my honor and my privilege to serve alongside him for three years. He has such a passion for what we do."

Lt. Col. Scott Everton assumed the duties as product manager for aviation mission equipment. A native of Memphis, Everton served as the Army systems coordinator for Ground Combat Vehicle for the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisitions, Logistics, and Technology) at Army headquarters in his previous assignment.

"I am really excited to be here because it's not the Pentagon," Everton said with a laugh. He then thanked first and foremost his Lord Jesus, his wife Sharon and his parents. He also congratulated Bamburg on a remarkable military career.

"I am excited to be a part of this team and to continue to do great things for the Army and Army aviation," he said.

Bamburg not only relinquished his duties as product manager to Everton at the ceremony in Bob Jones Auditorium, he also had his retirement and awards ceremony immediately following the change of charter. He will retire with 27 years of service Nov. 1.

"God bless you for everything you've done for our country," Maj. Gen. Tim Crosby, program executive officer for aviation, told him. "You've touched everyone in Army aviation. You have the ability to change the future of our Army more here than anywhere and the Soldiers have reaped the benefit of your passion and dedication."

Bamburg thanked several people including his wife Tamera, his children, his parents and the many people he worked with through the years.

"I've enjoyed this profession for almost 27 years and I've been an aviator for all those years," he said. "I joined the Army so I could be a helicopter mechanic and a Soldier. When I joined up, most 17-year-olds were drooling over their new cars but I was working on helicopters."

Bamburg, who has a Bronze Star among his many awards and decorations, was awarded a Legion of Merit Award, a PEO Aviation plaque, a certificate of appreciation from President Barack Obama, a certificate of retirement and a U.S. flag. His wife received the Honorable Order of Our Lady of Loreto Award from the Army Aviation Association of America and a certificate of appreciation. He and Tamera have three daughters, Rachel, Kaly and Myra.