Be a 'flu fighter'

By Emily Brainerd, Army Flier Staff WriterDecember 1, 2011

FORT RUCKER, Ala. (December 1, 2011) -- The old phrase, "whistle while you work," can also apply to proper hygiene.

Post health officials stress making cleanliness a priority during Hand Washing Awareness Week, Sunday through Dec. 10, and say humming a few tunes along the way can help.

The amount of time spent during a washing session matters, said Maj. Laura Ricardo, Lyster Army Health Clinic chief of preventive medicine and radiology. She recommends people sing "Happy Birthday" twice or the "ABCs" while scrubbing to ensure they're sanitizing their hands for the proper duration -- 20 seconds or more.

While singing their songs of choice, she said people should run warm water, lather their hands with soap, rub hands vigorously, dry hands using a paper towel and turn off the sink faucet using the towel. Ricardo also noted people should ensure they scrub between their fingers and underneath any jewelry to eliminate germs.

She said hand washing is critical to remaining healthy year-round, adding that it's the No. 1 way to prevent the spread of disease.

Ricardo added that people should wash their hands after being outside, playing with pets, before and after eating, after using restrooms and after spending time among other people.

Hand washing is very important, especially with this year's influenza season, she said, explaining that the flu spreads through airborne droplets or on surfaces. Hand sanitation, along with influenza vaccinations, can keep people healthy.

The hand washing campaign, she said, coincides nicely with National Influenza Vaccination Week Sunday through Dec. 10. The Fort Rucker community should endeavor to receive their immunizations from LAHC. For more information, or vaccine updates, call 255-7325.

Ricardo said LAHC staff works with child, youth and school services and post schools members to educate children about the importance of healthy habits.

Hand washing technique posters displayed throughout the clinic and other facilities on post remind adults about the importance of hand washing, she noted.

LAHC patients should challenge their doctors and nurses to live up to the same expectations, asking them if they've soaped up before appointments, Ricardo added.

Jeanie Eddy, an LAHC immunization/allergy nurse, is one of the professionals up to the challenge. She said she instructs her patients on the importance of good hand washing practices during visits. When soap and warm water are unavailable, alcohol-based hand sanitizer is a good substitute, Eddy said.

For more information on hand washing practices or immunizations, call LAHC Immunization/Allergy Clinic staff at 255-7754.