Soldiers join children, parents in walk to school at Fort Gordon

By Spc. Jason Jordan, 15th Regimental Signal Brigade Public AffairsOctober 21, 2011

FORT GORDON, Ga., -- (Oct. 12, 2011) Last year, more than 3,550 schools throughout the country participated in the International Walk to School -- resulting in thousands of physically active students. IWALK officials stepped up their campaign this year hoping to top that already impressive number of participating schools. The Fort Gordon community joined that effort as Soldiers joined students and parents for a walk to Freedom Park Elementary.

"We will be walking to school this year with hundreds of our military Soldiers," Christina Jasak, Freedom Park School, announced during the campaign.

The IWALK began in 1997 when the Partnership for a Walkable America sponsored the first National Walk Our Children to School Day in Chicago; modeled after a similar event in the United Kingdom. By 2002 -- children, parents, teachers and community leaders in all 50 states joined nearly 3 million walkers around the world to celebrate the second annual International Walk to School Day.

Safer streets, healthier habits and cleaner air are among the benefits promoted by the IWALK, with events designed to encourage Americans to be active for a more walkable America.

This year, Fort Gordon Soldiers lined up in columns outside of the school entrance-way and cheered on those who walked to school. Children and parents carried signs and wore pins advertising the fact that they were walking.

Freedom Park Elementary is one of more than 3,900 schools to walk in 2011 -- surpassing last year's participation.