National FEW president speaks at post Women's Equality Day

By Bonnie Heater, Fort Gordon Public AffairsSeptember 2, 2011

FORT GORDON, Ga. -- Fort Gordon celebrated Women's Equality Day Aug. 30 in Alexander Hall. The master of ceremony Mary Hammond, Fort Gordon's Cyber Leader College deputy director and two term president of the Fort Gordon Garden City Chapter of the Federally Employed Women, opened the program with these words, "Today, women are paid 77 cents for every dollar paid to men."

The theme for this year's program was "One America … Recognizing Our Diversity" which guest speaker Rhonda Sue Webster, the national president of Federally Employed Women, said, "Last year we celebrated the 90th Anniversary of the achievement and long journey of dedicated women focused on a single mission. Those women never lost sight of the goal…In the end; however, the women of 2011 have had the right to vote in local and national elections for 91 years."

"We need to honor these pioneers' efforts every time we step into the ballot box," added Webster. "We need to vote. I am really excited you have a voter's registration table set up in the foyer of Alexander Hall for this program. I honor you for giving people the opportunity to register to vote."

"Voting is nothing to take lightly," continued Webster. "It took a long time to get that right. It was accomplished through hard work. Before you vote you need to study the issues and the candidates."

Webster highlighted a couple of achievement in this area that occurred this month. "On Aug. 16 the director of the Office of Personnel Management, John Berry, and the chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Jacqueline Berrien, co-signed the "Equal Pay in the Federal Government" memorandum," explained Webster." It states that they are committed to ensuring equal pay for equal work without regard to gender…The equal pay act requires the Federal government to pay men and women equal pay for equal work.

"Then on Aug. 18 for the first time ever' the president of the United States issued an executive order that established a coordinated government- wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the federal work place," added Webster. "A strategy plan will be issued in 90 days."

During her presentation Webster talked about the history of Women's Equality Day, a few achievements of some notable women, the leadership qualities of the women who paved the way in passing the 19th Amendment, federally employed women and the Federally Employed Women organization.

Every year, a different organization sponsors this event. This year's program was made possible in partnership with FEW and the Federal Women's Program. The Federally Employed Women organization is open to men and women including servicemembers at Fort Gordon.

For more information, contact Rae Combs at (706) 306-2998 or visit the website