Labor Day 2011 Holiday Safety Message

By Maj. Gen. Michael S. LinningtonAugust 31, 2011

Maj. Gen. Michael S. Linnington
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

"Labor Day weekend marks the end of the U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center 2011 Summer Safety Campaign. This weekend will be a well deserved break for many, filled with good times with family and friends. However, we must all remain focused on our most important resource, our people. Without them, the mission is not possible.

This year's campaign encourages every member of the Army Family to get out and enjoy all that summer has to offer, but to ask yourself, 'what have you done to save a life today?' It also encourages personnel to 'Take 5', by looking out for each other and protecting our Band of Brothers and Sisters. Please let us take this time to reflect on their sacrifices made to protect this great nation.

As we enter the remaining month of this fiscal year, this command's accident rate continues to be low. In order to maintain this trend, commanders and supervisors at all levels, should continue placing special emphasis on water safety, to include the importance of entering the water only when conditions are safe, and using the buddy system while swimming. If operating a vehicle, use seat belts 100 percent of the time, properly restrain your children, don't drink or text and drive. Motorcycle operators must ride defensively, wear all protective gear and operate at a safe speed. As you get ready to hit the road, I ask you to use the TRiPS online assessment tool. It can help to make your journey successful,

Have a SAFE Labor Day Holiday. Safety is simple, but often overlooked and ignored. TAKE THE TIME to recognize and lower injury risk and most of all TAKE ACTION to safeguard yourself, your family and friends. In the end you never know whose life you might save. Enjoy this holiday weekend without unnecessary risks. We must continue to be vigilant, and together, we can prevent injuries and save lives this Labor Day weekend."

Maj. Gen. Michael S. Linnington

Joint Force Headquarters - National Capital Region/

U.S. Army Military District of Washington


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Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region and Military District of Washington

Travel Risk Planning System - TRiPS