404th AFSB tests tactical METL

By Greg Alderete (AMC)August 25, 2011

404th tests its tactical METL
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

JOINT BASE LEWIS -- MCCHORD, Wash - The 404th Army Field Support Brigade is testing its capability to provide integrated logistics support to contingency operations.

Employing newly acquired equipment called DRASH, or deployable rapid assembly shelter, and its associated communications and operations gear, 404th personnel are running an annual tactical operations exercise Aug 23-26.

According to planners, the TOCEX makes it possible for the brigade staff to train in a tactical environment without leaving home station. Using a script to simulate an operational scenario, exercise participants will practice their battle staff duties and responsibilities, the orders process, security procedures, the military decision-making process, staff briefing techniques, battle updating and shift-change procedures while affording an opportunity to update standard operating procedures.

The 404th's TOCEX 2011 is timed to match the Korea-based Exercise Ulchi Freedom Guardian while simultaneously simulating support for a U.S.-based disaster in the Pacific Northwest. The disaster response employs a Defense Support to Civil Authorities scenario to exercise the brigade's ability to work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Guided by a master scenario events list simulating real-world events, the TOCEX creates realistic challenges for the 404th command and staff. Key among the training objectives is practicing contingency mission skills and procedures rarely used in ordinary brigade activities.

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