Bridge Over Troubled Water

By CHRISTINA SHORT, 200th Military Police Command, Fort Meade, Md.August 4, 2011

It was a clear day with the temperature hovering about 68 F. Everything was going well on the recon until the Soldiers got to a bridge. This structure wasn’t exactly what comes to mind when picturing a bridge; it was more of a low water crossing. If not for the previous two days’ rain, crossing this bridge would have been a piece of cake. Now, however, it was flooded.

“No problem,” the sergeant thought. “We’re in a HMMWV. A little water won’t hurt us.”

Before crossing the stream, the sergeant talked to some locals who lived nearby about the width of the bridge. They assured him the HMMWV could make it. He also watched a pickup truck cross the bridge successfully. Two Soldiers then walked across the bridge so the sergeant could roughly measure the width. Neither Soldier fell in the river, so the sergeant figured the bridge was wide enough for the HMMWV.

The Soldiers entered the HMMWV and started across the flooded low water crossing. Just before reaching the middle, the HMMWV’s left-front tire slid off the crossing’s left edge. At this point, the sergeant realized attempting to cross was a bad idea, but before anyone could move, the left-rear tire also slid off the edge. The sergeant instructed the Soldiers to slowly exit the HMMWV. After everyone was safely out the vehicle, all they could do was watch as it rolled off the bridge and into the stream.

Since it was Saturday, the nearest Army Reserve maintenance shop was closed, so the proper wrecker wasn’t available retrieve the HMMWV from the stream. This forced the Soldiers to call a local towing company. The first tow truck arrived on the scene but couldn’t move the HMMWV, so another truck was called. Fortunately, the second truck was able to pull the HMMWV from the river. However, the HMMWV wasn’t properly hooked up to the tow truck and sustained nearly $20,000 in damage.

Remember, floodwaters can hide damaged roadways and low water crossings. The sergeant and his Soldiers learned an important lesson that day: If you can’t see it, don’t cross it. They also learned to conduct training recons during the week " when the maintenance shop is open " and have a retrieval plan for vehicle breakdowns and accidents.


Think your tactical vehicle is heavy enough to protect you from fast-moving water? Think again. If a 97,000-ton aircraft carrier can float, so can your 3-ton HMMWV. The reason is buoyancy. According to the National Weather Service (NWS), most cars can be swept away in 18-24 inches of moving water. Trucks and SUVs " even with their higher clearance " do not fare much better. Whether driving or walking, any time you encounter a flooded road, the NWS encourages you to “Turn Around, Don't Drown.”