Baumholder garrison introduces Go Green program

By Ignacio Rubalcava (USAG Baumholder)August 4, 2011

Baumholder garrison introduces Go Gree program
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

BAUMHOLDER, Germany -- Turning trash into cash and preserving the environment is what garrison leaders are shooting for with the new Baumholder Go-Green program. This was the leading topic at the U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder personnel assembly July 2.

The push to go green can put 229,000 Euro into the garrison’s coffers annually if the program reaches its goal of recycling 40 percent of all waste material. More specifically, 120,000 can be saved by recycling aluminum cans, 15,000 by recycling glass and 94,000 can be saved by recycling paper and cardboard properly.

Baumholder’s Environmental Office together with the garrison’s Plans, Analysis and Integration Office came up with a novel way to present the Go Green program to garrison employees. Instead of simply talking about recycling, large dumpsters were placed on stage. On cue, members of the Environmental Office popped out of the dumpsters holding large signs that showed how much could be saved by recycling glass, cans and paper.

The push to recycle will reach out to all offices, barracks and homes in the community. Large bins, clearly labeled for paper and cardboard, glass and cans, are being placed throughout the community. The paper containers have blue lids, glass containers have red lids and the bins for recycling cans have yellow lids. The containers with black lids are for residual trash only.

Most people have been exposed to recycling aluminum cans, paper and cardboard and glass at some point. The question begs to be asked though why is Baumholder not recycling plastic? Simply put, the German community incinerates all residual trash, and when plastic is mixed in with residual trash it burns more intense. But all is not wasted. This incineration process is captured to create new energy. Of course, plastic containers that carry a deposit are recycled by the German community.

Also part of the assembly was the introduction of new USAG Baumholder Command Sgt. Maj. Agustus N. Wah by Lt. Col. Sam McAdoo, USAG Baumholder commander. After the introduction McAdoo took the time to recognize a number of garrison employees and Soldiers by presenting them with garrison coins and certificates for their assistance during the garrison’s recent Fourth of July celebration.

The assembly closed with McAdoo responding to questions from the audience which ranged from personal questions to what is the status of skate park and will the jobs of the grounds maintenance personnel be extended?

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Recycling Guide for USAG Wiesbaden and USAREUR