Fort Rucker schools prepare for successful year

By Erin Murray, Army Flier Staff WriterJuly 28, 2011

FORT RUCKER, Ala. -- While their students are enjoying the last few days of summer vacation, the faculty and staff of Fort Rucker schools are preparing for the beginning of another school year next week, with open houses Aug. 4 followed by first day of classes Aug. 5.

The new school year brings many changes that benefit parents and students, along with a continued effort by each school to provide quality education to their students, said Vicki Gilmer, principal of Fort Rucker Elementary School.

According to Gilmer, the biggest changes at Fort Rucker Elementary School this back-to-school season are the newly-installed internet and a supply list that is more economical for soldiers.

“The school has absorbed much of the cost. We try to help out the families in these economic times,” Gilmer said, adding that many parents will notice common supplies like glue and scissors are absent from supply lists.

One thing that has not changed at Fort Rucker Elementary School is its objective as a place of learning, which Gilmer said is “to promote high student achievement through a relationship with students, faculty and staff.”

Gilmer encourages parents and children to bring their positive attitudes to meet with teachers at the school’s open house Aug. 4 from 3-3:45 p.m.

There are also many new additions just down the road at Fort Rucker Primary School, which hosts its open house Aug. 4, from 3:30-4:15 p.m.

Among these changes are new curricula in math, reading and social studies, new exterior doors, a new air conditioner and an infrastructure that has been completely redone.

“Someone from Area Service Center stated this school is one of the most up-to-date schools in the area,” said principal Debbie Deas, who is also a new addition to the school.

Deas has previously served as curriculum coordinator and director of English language arts at Fort Rucker, and is excited to return after her years of service as the district curriculum coordinator at Fort Benning, Ga.

“It’s very pleasant. The teachers are wonderful. The parents are nice. I am really thrilled to be back. I started out years ago at [Fort Rucker] elementary school, so I am really pleased.”

Deas noted one other important change at Fort Rucker Primary School that concerns the safety of the students.

“Car riders are going to be picked up and dropped off in the rear of the school. Busses will continue to load in the front, to ensure a safer method of delivery for the students,” she said.

This change has another benefit. “It will also be more efficient for parents to pick up their child,” Deas said.

Efficiency is important to Deas in all aspects of the school, because this efficiency brings “communication between the parent, the student and the teacher, so that we can give the best learning environment that it’s possible to have.”

Deas and Gilmer are working together to provide a rewarding education for every student in pre-kindergarten through sixth-grade.

“Both schools are trying to provide the education for everybody,” said Deas. “The offerings that Department of Defense schools have are tremendous. The military is the best partner you can have in education, because they see how important education is.”

For more information about back to school activities, call Fort Rucker Elementary School at 598-4408 or Fort Rucker Primary School at 598-4473.

Related Links:

Primary School Supply List