Youth learn swimming basics, water safety

By Renee Reese, Fort Stewart Public AffairsJuly 14, 2011

Swim camp pic
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT STEWART, Ga. - The sun peaked through the clouds just in time for swim camp at Fort Stewart’s Bryan Village Pool, July 11. The two week class is sponsored by Child, Youth and School Services Schools of Knowledge, Inspiration, Exploration, and Skills Unlimited program.

Children were taught fundamental swimming techniques by three professional pool lifeguards throughout the course.

According to Bryan Village pool manager and swim instructor Dina Reinerth, most children who attend the class have no idea how to swim. By the end of the second week, the children are more independent in the water and will jump off the diving board without fear.

“I think it’s very important for every child to learn how to swim even if their parents don’t know how to swim or are scarred of the water,” said Reinerth. “Children who attend the lessons will learn how to interact with other children in the water and learn pool safety.”

“My daughter had a fear of swimming which is why I found it important for her to learn how to swim,” said Antonia Stickley, parent of 6-year-old Arianna Stickley, who attended the class. “She now loves the water and refers to herself as a little mermaid.”

The class started with basic breathing techniques by blowing bubbles under water. Children were lined up against the edge of the pool where they perfected their breathing skills before starting to swim with assistance from the lifeguards.

“I think it is great for her to learn pool safety because my daughter is fascinated by the water,” said Star Smith parent of 5"year-old Madison Cypher who attended the class.

SKIES Unlimited offers programs like swim camp to expand and support athletic experiences for military-connected children according to Amber Vega, SKIES program specialist.

Reinerth has been a lifeguard at Fort Stewart for six years and enjoys watching children learn necessary water skills that carry them throughout life.

“I love everything about my job, being in the water and working with kids is a dream,” Reinerth said.

For more information on summer camps offered through SKIES Unlimited, contact Parent Central Services at 912-767-2312 or visit