New school at Hunter to provide fifth graders with specialized learning

By Jennifer Hartwig, Hunter Army Airfield Public AffairsJune 16, 2011

HUNTER ARMY AIRFIELD, Ga. - Once again, the Army and the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System are teaming up " this time to expose local youth to science, technology, engineering and math.

In about five months time, Hunter Army Airfield will be the home of a Department of Defense STARBASE Academy for local public school students. At the STARBASE Savannah, youth " specifically fifth graders " will experience 20-25 hours of “hands-on, mind-on” activities in science, technology, engineering and math. They will interact with military personnel to explore careers and observe the subject applications in the real world.

“It’s a win for the Department of Defense " it’s part of our outreach program to communities across America to help inspire and motivate students to pursue an education, and maybe even a career, in science, technology, engineering and math,” Maj. Gen. Robert Abrams, 3rd Infantry Division commander, said in a press conference, June 13.

The Hunter-based academy will be the 61st STARBASE location, now in 34 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.

“One of the main things about this program is being on a military base, being in the military environment,” said Scott Martens, STARBASE Savannah chairman. “The military environment is very effective with the kids " they enjoy it and they’re a little bit awestruck with it, but it is an environment that leads to very good evaluations.”

Martens said the students are tested on the way in and again tested on the way out, so the program can evaluate how well they are reaching the children.

The Defense Department STARBASE program began in 1989 at Selfridge Air Force Base in Michigan, and the Hunter location will be the first on an Army installation " but Martens is confident it won’t be the last.

“This is the first Army academy, but it’s not going to be the last Army academy because we’re going to make this one so good, that it will be used as an example for all future STARBASE academies,” he said.

STARBASE Savannah is a joint venture between the Army, Chatham County Public Schools and the STARBASE Savannah Foundation, which members of the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum Board began six years ago, and have since generated support from corporate partners, including Gulfstream.

The program provides students with a core curriculum that meets or exceeds national standards and is aimed to raise the interest and improve the knowledge and skills of at-risk youth in science, technology, engineering and math.

Savannah-Chatham County Public School System Superintendent Dr. Thomas Lockamy said they will begin with students from Title-I, federally-funded schools that experience the greatest academic challenges, and children who live on Hunter Army Airfield. He said as the academy is able to secure funding for transportation, more fifth-grade classes will participate " with the goal of all fifth graders in Chatham County public schools getting a week at the academy.

“It’s a wonderful program, one that has nothing but positive impacts on the young people,” Lockamy said. “It requires more than just the military and the public school system working together " you’ve heard about Gulfstream, you’ve heard about other partners " it takes multiple partnerships to make this really work well. We’re counting on the community coming together to help us with that, and to help me as I plan the next military science academy."

Major General Abrams said the Army is the proponent for providing the support to the academy, not the execution of the program.

“The execution of the program is left in the hands of the educators,” he said. “Our job is to ensure that we provide access to the facilities, access to our subject matter experts, and [to serve] as the lead coordinator … to ensure that this all comes together and stays on track.”

In addition, he believes that the children on Hunter Army Airfield will benefit greatly from the partnership.

“Our kids here at Hunter Army Airfield are going to be fully part of this program,” he said. “Army kids sacrifice a lot in support of their parent… I’m particularly excited today for the ‘double win’ for the kids here at Hunter Army Airfield who are going to be exposed to a fantastic program… it’s got an incredible record of performance across the country, inspiring young students " setting the hook if you will " to pursue an education and career in these critical fields in our country.”