Visitor passes no longer needed at post gates

By Vince Little, The BayonetJune 15, 2011

FORT BENNING, Ga. - The Directorate of Emergency Services has modified its Visitor Control Center operations, post officials announced.

Fort Benning Police Chief Kevin Clarke said visitors are no longer required to stop and pick up a pass prior to accessing the installation. Instead, they’ll be directed to a specified lane, where gate guards will use digital cameras to record their license plates.

The policy change took effect Tuesday.

“This is expected to speed up access for everyone and reduce a lot of the traffic at (Access Control Point) 2 on Benning Boulevard and ACP 3 on I-185,” Clarke said.

But he said security procedures remain in place -- all visitors will be screened using the Mobilisa hand-held scanner.

“This system checks a variety of databases and adds a level of security to access control,” he said.

Clarke said the visitors’ lane at Fort Benning gates is intended to handle motorists carrying only a driver’s license, state-issued ID or passport. Those who have a common access card or military ID may use any lane.

Post officials also eliminated the need to register vehicles and obtain Department of Defense decals at Vehicle Registration, the police chief said. Weapons registration will continue there for authorized personnel.

Clarke said DoD is considering changing the sticker policy at all military installations. Right now, it’s a Fort Benning measure only.

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