Five hostages released, illegal prisons discovered in Baqouba

By Multi-National Division - North PAOOctober 19, 2007

BAQOUBA, Iraq - Soldiers from Company D, 1-12 Combined Arms Battalion, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, acting on a tip, discovered two houses used as make-shift prisons and released five local citizens who were held for ransom in the village of Buhriz in Baqouba, Iraq, Oct. 16.

A leader from a local Concerned Local Citizens group provided tips leading Soldiers to conduct the search operation, which also netted two weapons caches, and led to the detaining of six Iraqi men, acting as guards for the prisons, in addition to the discovery and release of five hostages.

In house one, the Soldiers found four guards, armed with AK-47s, a weapons cache consisting of one rocket-propelled grenade launcher with three RPG rounds, and one hand grenade, as well as two hostages. The four guards surrendered to CF.

In the second house, the Soldiers captured two guards, who also surrendered, and were armed with AK-47s, a weapons cache consisting of four hand grenades, 15 AK-47 magazines, two pieces of body armor and three hostages.

"The involvement in criminal activities is something that should infuriate every law-abiding CLC in the province, whose motivation to service is the security of their own citizens and loved ones, and not personal gain," said Col. David W. Sutherland, commander of Coalition Forces in Diyala province.

The five released hostages were transferred to Forward Operating Base Warhorse, north of Baqouba, for medical treatment.

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