Too Much of a Good Thing'

By LISA YOUNG U.S. Army Public Health Command (Provisional) Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.May 9, 2011

It is an accepted fact that exercise is essential for a healthy body and mind. But is it possible to get too much exercise' Actually, it is. When a person pushes their body too hard or too long without giving it a chance to recover with adequate time, rest and nutrition, the result can be overtraining.

Overtraining can occur with aerobic exercises such as running, biking or swimming and with resistance exercises such as weightlifting. This condition occurs when either exercise volume or intensity exceeds what a person should be doing for an extended period of time. Training volume can be excessive if more exercises are added, additional repetitions or sets are performed or the frequency of the exercise is increased for too long. In contrast, overtraining due to excessive intensity occurs when too heavy a resistance is used for an extended time. These principles apply to elite athletes as well as to individuals who exercise for general health and fitness.

So how does a person know when they are overtraining' Regular exercise and physical training are healthy habits that should make a person feel better, not worse. People experiencing the signs and symptoms of overtraining may be pushing themselves too hard. It is important to understand that not all of the signs and symptoms of overtraining may be present, and just because some are present does not necessarily mean a person is overtraining. The true test is whether performance is impaired or plateaued.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, some frequent signs of overtraining include:

Aca,!Ac Decreased performance in strength, power, muscle endurance or cardiovascular endurance

Aca,!Ac Decreased training tolerance and increased recovery requirements

Aca,!Ac Decreased coordination, reaction time or speed

Aca,!Ac Altered resting heart rate, blood pressure and respiration patterns

Aca,!Ac Decreased body fat and post-exercise body weight

Aca,!Ac Increased basal metabolic rate

Aca,!Ac Chronic fatigue

Aca,!Ac Sleep disorders

Aca,!Ac Decreased appetite and weight loss

Aca,!Ac Menstrual disruption

Aca,!Ac Headaches or gastrointestinal distress

Aca,!Ac Muscle, joint and tendon aches and stiffness

Aca,!Ac Longer healing times and more frequent illness

So what should a person do if they have been overtraining' There are several simple steps to alleviate and correct this condition, including:

Aca,!Ac Add one or more recovery days to each training week.

Aca,!Ac Include periodized exercise programs, which gradually alter the training variables over time to allow the body to progress in stages and recover adequately.

Aca,!Ac Ensure that training volume and exercise intensity are inversely related.

Aca,!Ac Avoid monotonous exercise by increasing training variety.

Aca,!Ac Avoid doing too high a number of exercises, sets and/or repetitions.

Aca,!Ac Avoid performing every set of every exercise of every session to absolute failure (for resistance training).

Aca,!Ac Take into account the cumulative training effect of different kinds of exercise.

Exercise is a health habit that has many advantages. Be sure that your exercise program includes regular periods of recovery and that you reassess and adjust your training often. Done properly, exercise can bring life-long benefit to mind and body.


For more information about physical activity and exercise guidelines, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at and the American College of Sports Medicine at