Antiterrorism Theme - Understanding the Threat

By AT for STAND-TO!March 30, 2011

Antiterrorism Theme- Understanding the Threat

What is it'

The Army antiterrorism theme for the third quarter, fiscal year 2011 (3Q/FY11), - Understanding the Threat - focuses on heightened awareness to understand the terrorist threat, tactics, techniques, and procedures, as well as Army resources and processes to enhance threat knowledge and information sharing. By enhancing the understanding of the continuously evolving and adapting terrorist threat, the Army as a community is better protected from terrorist attack or influence.

Why is it important to the Army'

Terrorism is an enduring, persistent, worldwide threat to Army forces. Extremist ideologies and separatist movements continue to have an anti-western and anti-U.S. orientation which threatens our nation. The integration of terrorist threat assessments, analysis, and indication and warnings into the operations and intelligence process ensures commanders and units at all levels apply knowledge and understanding of the threat to enhance their overall protection posture. Given the persistent threat of terrorist attack, we must leverage the entire Army community to prepare, respond, and recover from terrorist acts.

What is the Army doing'

HQDA recently released antiterrorism information requirements (IR) which supports the chief of Staff of the Army's priority intelligence requirements (PIR). Collectively, the IR and PIR support the Army's ability to understand the terrorist threat by focusing the efforts for planning, preparing, collecting, processing and producing intelligence and related threat information.

The Army Annual Threat Assessment initiates a deliberate planning and assessment process in which ACOM, ASCC, and DRU commanders and the director, ARNG incorporate terrorist threat information into an annual terrorism threat assessment. This process supports subordinate units, organizations, installations in preparing their specific threat statements.

In the area of doctrine, the Army recently approved FM 3-37.2 (Antiterrorism) providing guidance on integrating antiterrorism into the intelligence and operations processes as well as providing information on the terrorist planning cycle and terrorist tactics.

To increase awareness of counterintelligence programs and associated reporting, the Army staff is expanding the iSALUTE program to include public awareness products to help inform the Army community of the importance of the program as well as where and how to report suspicious activity.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future'

The Army is in the early stages of implementing a new terrorist threat reporting system known as "eGuardian," and continues to focus on <a href="" target="_blank"> iWATCH Army </a> (terrorist watch program) implementation.


Log-in required:

<a href="" target="_blank"> Army OPMG Antiterrorism Enterprise Portal (ATEP)</a>

<a href="" target="_blank"> iSALUTE </a>

Related STAND-TO! editions:

Q2: <a href="" target="_blank">Antiterrorism Theme - Antiterrorism Awareness in Contracting</a>

Q1: <a href="" target="_blank">Antiterrorism - Personal Protection </a>