Twins reunite with help from 21st TSC

By Staff Sgt. Tramel S. Garrett, 21st TSC Public AffairsFebruary 23, 2011

Twins reunite with help from 21st TSC
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Twin sisters Spc. Jasmin Hunter and Pfc. Angel Hunter, both paralegal specialists assigned to the 21st Theater Sustainment Command's Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, pose for a photo at the courtroom on Kleber Kaserne in Kaiserslautern, Germany, F... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL
Twins reunite with help from 21st TSC
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

KAISERSLAUTERN, Germany - A set of twins entered basic training with strong intentions of becoming Soldiers and serving their country. They began to train, giving everything they had to achieve their common goal.

Shortly after Angel and Jasmin Hunter's training began at Fort Jackson, S.C., Angel was forced to leave the Army due to a medical condition. The sisters looked each other in the eyes and said goodbye. After being inseparable for 18 years, they were forced to take different paths for the first time ever.

However, Angel didn't give up on her military aspirations. She began training and studying with the help of her sister who was stationed in Korea on a one year short tour. Angel was able to enlist in the Army for a second time, and finally, after graduating basic training and advanced individual training with honors about a year after her sister, she reported to the 21st Theater Sustainment Command here.

Now private first class and specialist are both paralegals assigned to the 21st TSC's Office of the Staff Judge Advocate - reunited and back together again after spending a year and a half apart.

"It was hard for me to talk to other people," said Angel about the separation. "It felt like an eternity to me. We have that bond. Whenever I needed something, she was always there for me."

"It felt so long because we are so close," added Jasmin.

Growing up they were not only sisters but best friends, according to the twins. They share a bond that continues to grow stronger with every day that passes.

Angel and Jasmin both earned college scholarships but decided to serve their country by joining the Army instead.

"Our parents are really proud of us. I'm very happy to put smiles on their faces," said Jasmin.

Angel, who was now stationed in Germany, wasn't completely happy about her sister being so far away. She informed her chain of command about her twin sister in Korea and asked if there was any way they could be stationed together here. The command team at the 21st TSC and the SJA responded and were able to get the same assignment location and unit for Jasmin.

"As a twin it's easy to be a Soldier because you always have your best friend," said Jasmin.

The twin sisters and best friends both smiled when they recalled an incident Angel found herself in as a brand new private in basic combat training. Angel stood at parade rest with fear in her eyes as her drill sergeant shouted at her at the top of his lungs, "you are not where I told you to be, private." With a confused look on her face, Angel responded, "but you didn't tell me to go anywhere, drill sergeant."

At that very moment Jasmin walked by, and with a confused look on his face, the drill sergeant turned back to the Angel and yelled "move out Soldier."

"We get mistaken every day. We just play along and say hello to people we don't recognize. It's more fun that way," said Jasmin.