NETCOM employee selected as Fort Huachuca Civilian of the Year

By Mr. Gordon Vanvleet (NETCOM)February 18, 2011

Fort Huachuca Civilian of the Year
Suzanne Ollano-Mayer receives the Army Achievement Medal for Civilian Service from Col. Timothy Faulkner, Fort Huachuca garrison commander, for her selection as the April 2010 Post Civilian of the Month. Ollano-Mayer was recently announced as the pos... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz. - The Fort Huachuca Civilian of the Year for 2010 is an Information Technology Specialist working for the Network Enterprise Technology Command/9th Signal Command (Army) G-3 operations office in Greely Hall.

Suzanne Ollano-Mayer, who has been working for the government for 30 years, was selected for her outstanding performance in planning and managing the transition of the Army legacy telephone switches to the new Voice over Internet Protocol switch in support of the Army's Global Network Enterprise Construct.

Her efforts in development of the new switch requirements provided improved Battle Command support to both generating and operating forces moving Army Signal transformation forward while improving the Army's network within the Department of Defense.

"It's an awesome feeling to be given such an honor, one that I did not expect.," said Ollano-Mayer. "I was grateful to have been selected NETCOM Civilian of the Month, then Fort Huachuca Civilian of the Month. Never did I expect to be graced with the honor of being the 'Fort Huachuca Civilian of the Year,' being up against so many deserving Civilians."

Ollano-Mayer started her career in 1980 as a GS-3 Clerk in the U.S. Army Communications Command's G-8 (Resource Management) office. In addition to her time here, she worked a few years at the 5th Signal Command in Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany.

Ollano-Mayer has had many people who have helped her get to where she is now.

"I have been fortunate to have had many mentors throughout my career," she said. "These mentors were senior-level managers and coworkers who took the time to discuss career goals with me, shared with me the benefit of their experiences, offered advice and feedback. I considered them friends who willingly took me under their 'wing' and served as my 'personal' and 'professional' advocates."

Working in the NETCOM G-3 office has given Ollano-Mayer many opportunities to help the Army.

"The environment is bustling with work activities," she said. "Everyone is busy but pleasant to work with. They help me through their friendships, positive work ethics, and simply being team players who are willing to jump in and help. This helps me to do my job and maintain a positive attitude."

Although she does find time to relax after work, it is during those times that she is able to focus on other important things in her life.

"I love to play tennis and any other outdoor activities, watch movies with my family, gardening, and reading. As for the future, I am working to improve my health as a primary personal goal. Beyond that, I'm taking it one day at a time, wherever the Lord takes me."

Her advice to others is simple ... be positive and follow what you believe.

"Be positive in all of your dealings, respect others, be kind to others, mentor others, be flexible, work and play hard, and pray a lot. Be thankful to the Lord for your blessings. It's important to work hard toward your organization's goals, your personal goals but it's also important to have fun with your friends and families."