Seeking the belt brings on PT challenges for 1/30 Inf Soldiers

By 1st Lt. Anthony McClanahan , Frontline ContributorJanuary 26, 2011

PFC barbarian belt pic
Bring it on! Private First Class Steven Arellano displays the Barbarian Title Belt after scoring 349 on his APFT recently. He will hold the "Title Belt" for one week until the first competition, which will be the first opportunity for others to take ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT STEWART, Ga. , -When a unit returns from an overseas combat tour, the riddle of motivating Soldiers to excel at Physical Training after redeployment is always on the table.

Bravo Company, 1-30th Infantry\'s answer to this is "The Barbarian Title Belt." Upon completion of their first PT test since their redeployment, Private First Class Steven Arellano, 19 years old from Austin, Texas, clenched the first opportunity to win the belt.

Private First Class Arellano scored 349 points on an extended Army Physical Fitness Test scale. He edged out some very tough competition beating out the 2nd and 3rd place finishers by eight and 10 points respectively.

Private First Class Arellano said he owes his success to, "hard work during Christmas leave." He will hold the "Title Belt" for one week until the first competition, which will be the first opportunity for others to take it away.

Bravo Company has strict published rules governing the competitive nature of winning the belt from week to week. Every Tuesday afternoon, a person can find Bravo Company pitting their best-suited competitors from every platoon to challenge the belt holder in an athletically based, strenuous competition that will change every week.

Winners are allowed to wear their rightfully earned "Barbarian Title Belt" during company runs, any Barbarian formation, and around the company area. Soldiers who do not pass all three APFT events are ineligible to represent their platoon and compete for the "Barbarian Title Belt."