World War II veteran, 98, receives long awaited Bronze Star

By Kim Walron, FORSCOM Public AffairsDecember 17, 2010

FORSCOM CG, CSM with Lavine
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT McPHERSON, Ga. (Dec. 16, 2010) -- Recognition for an act of heroism more than six decades ago during World War II finally caught up with a 98-year-old Atlanta resident Dec. 16, when the Army awarded him the Bronze Star Medal during a ceremony here in U.S. Army Forces Command headquarters.

Seymour S. Lavine, who was a sergeant with the Army's 37th Infantry Division on the island of Luzon in the Philippines on Jan. 9, 1945, when his unit was ambushed.

With enemy rifle fire snapping jungle branches and leaves all around them, Lavine said he knew that to stay where they were meant certain death for him and his fellow Soldiers. He grabbed a Browning Automatic Rifle (known as a BAR) from the Soldier behind him and yelled for the rest of his Soldiers to run. Then, with the weapon at his hip, Lavine fired back at his attackers, covering the retreat of a dozen fleeing American Soldiers who made it to safety thanks to him.

"While this bronze star is being awarded for specific action on one particular day, it actually represents much more," said Gen. James D. Thurman, commander of FORSCOM, the Army's largest Command. "This medal is in recognition of the contribution of an ordinary man who became an extraordinary Soldier, because he chose to serve his nation and his fellow citizens. And, he did this during the most dangerous period of the 20th century," Thurman said.

The room was packed with Soldiers from General to Specialist. Their common thread was the enthusiastic way they gathered to pay tribute to a warrior from our nation's "Greatest Generation."

"Today, we have the honor to go back in history and reflect a little bit about a great Solider who, on his 29th birthday in 1941, heard the news of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, (so) he enlisted in the Army shortly after in 1942," said Thurman.

After the medal presentation, Lavine shared memories of his service during World War II.

"One day I was leading a patrol," Lavine said. "We came across a tribe of people that we found out (later) were cannibals." He paused and looked over his audience. "I'm not sure what it was they fed us for dinner, but I don't think I really wanted to!"

This brought howls of laughter and a hearty round of applause for Lavine.

"I have had a wonderful life," said Lavine. "I've had more opportunities than many and am so grateful to all of you."

When World War II broke out, Lavine quit his job selling clothing to department stores. He drove his 1939 Pontiac to Fort McPherson to enlisted in the Army.

Lavine said he had no choice but to fight.

"I knew what was happening in Europe," he said, referring to the Holocaust. "And I was Jewish."

Lavine was sent to the other side of the world after training, where Japan had established a stronghold of islands across the Pacific. Fighting there was among the bloodiest, most violent of the war.

The assembled Soldiers, friends and family members filed past Lavine and his wife Constance, to congratulate them as the ceremony concluded.

Related Links: Medal of Honor portal