Army Operational Knowledge Management

By TRADOC for STAND-TO!December 16, 2010

Army Operational Knowledge Management accelerates leader development

What is it'

In late October, the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center (CAC) hosted the 6th Annual Army Operational Knowledge Management (AOKM) Conference featuring nearly 400 KM professionals and experts from the military and private sectors who gathered to share and exchange the latest KM best practices, processes and lessons learned. The theme for this year's conference, "Knowledge Management in Support of Full Spectrum Operations" highlighted the impact KM has on civil support operations and combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. A mix of military and civilian speakers, including Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Chiarelli, spearheaded the plenum and track sessions. You can view Gen. Chiarelli's remarks and other presentations at the <a href="" target="_blank">conference website on AKO</a>.

What has the Army done'

As the AOKM proponent, CAC is responsible for developing an enduring KM capability across the Army. The current focus of the AOKM Proponent Office, a division of the newly-established Mission Command Center of Excellence, includes developing and integrating AOKM DOTMLPF solutions from ASCC to squad level that will assist leaders and units to manage processes, procedures and information. Other ongoing efforts include: (1) engage Army-wide updates through milWiki to FM 6-01.1, Knowledge Management Section, (2) evaluate needs for KM Sections in functional and multi-functional HQ TOEs, and (3) build the process to manage assignment of additional skill identifier (ASI) 1E (knowledge management professional) personnel.

Why is this important to the Army'

Some say knowledge is the Soldier's last competitive advantage, and that may be true when realizing that a smart and adaptive enemy is also looking for an edge. At the AOKM conference, Gen. Chiarelli said, "The knowledge management community has a vital role to play in the continued success of our Army. The capabilities you [KM professionals] are designing and fielding will help our leaders to learn faster, understand better and adapt more rapidly."

What does the Army have planned'

The Army KM Qualification Course is under revision with pilots scheduled for late spring 2011. CAC has conducted 14 knowledge assessments of units and organizations, which identify barriers to knowledge flow and offer solutions to eliminate gaps between what a unit knows and what it should know. In resetting its aiming stakes, the AOKM Proponent Office is pushing more knowledge solutions out to the operating forces, to include conducting more knowledge assessments of tactical units, especially those preparing for deployment.


<a href=" " target="_blank"> AOKM Proponent Public website </a>

<a href="" target="_blank"> AOKM website on AKO </a>

<a href="" target="_blank">Connected, AOKM quarterly newsletter </a>