BG Akin's Holiday Message to Sustainers

By Brig. Gen. Robin B. AkinDecember 10, 2010

BG Akin's Holiday Message to Sustainers
So during this most joyous of seasons, take a moment to think of those who are deployed. May we all wish for their safe and joyful return and remember them and their Families in all our thoughts and prayers. Again, thanks for all that you do and ha... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

16 December 2010

Home for the Holidays 2010!

On behalf of the entire 3d Expeditionary Sustainment Command, I want to take this opportunity to wish you the warmest of Holiday greetings and a Happiest New Year.

First and foremost - thank you for the tremendous job you are doing taking care of our Soldiers, our Civilians and their Families. The over seven thousand Soldiers of the ESC remain adaptive and ready to ensure the warfighter has everything they need to accomplish the mission.

During the next few weeks, members of our Sustainer team will celebrate the holidays at locations far and near. While many of us will be able to spend this special time with our loved-ones and friends, others of our team will be deployed. There is a price, however, for those who sacrifice to protect our way of life in far-away lands. Over the past year - 541 of our fellow service members have lost their lives in either Iraq or Afghanistan. I ask you to pause and remember these brave service members and their families, so that we may spend this season in the peaceful company of our friends and Family. Over 300 million Americans sleep well at night knowing we are serving our Nation.

Finally, I ask that you take care of yourselves, your Families, and friends and enjoy this time with safety in mind. As Sustainers, I count on you to be leaders no matter where you are - or what you are doing. During the 2009 Holiday season, 15 service members lost their lives in vehicle accidents - most of them within 25 miles of their homes. This Holiday season let's be safe - looking out for our buddies, making the right choices, remaining vigilant, and ensuring everyone returns from the Holidays safely.

So during this most joyous of seasons, take a moment to think of those who are deployed. May we all wish for their safe and joyful return and remember them and their Families in all our thoughts and prayers. Again, thanks for all that you do and have a great Holiday and Joyous 2010!

Sustainers Always...Sustaining the Line!

Robin B. Akin



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