Picatinny earns national recognition for superior conservation efforts

By Picatinny Public AffairsOctober 19, 2010

FEMP Small Group Award
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

PICATINNY ARSENAL, N.J. - A Picatinny Arsenal team was the only Department of the Army recipient of an annual award recognizing teams from federal agencies for their energy, water and environmental management excellence, Oct. 7 in Washington D.C.

A 2010 Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Small Group award was presented to five members of the Energy Management Team for their fiscal year 2009 programs. Brig. Gen. Jonathan Maddux, Picatinny commanding general and Lt. Col. Herb Koehler, the installation's garrison commander, were also in attendance.

The Picatinny project saved 110 billion British Thermal Units of energy, 19 million gallons of water and about $889,000 in fiscal year 2009, according to the award program's official website.

The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize individuals, groups and agencies for their outstanding contributions in the areas of energy efficiency, water conservation and the use of advanced and renewable energy technologies at federal facilities.

In August, Picatinny received the 32nd Annual 2010 Secretary of Army Energy and Water Management Award, presented at the Army Energy Workshop in Dallas.

It is the second consecutive year that Team Picatinny was recognized in both the Army and FEMP awards.

"Our team of experts at Picatinny planned and executed multiple projects that save energy and are environmentally sound," said Maddux. "To receive two prestigious, national-level awards two years in a row demonstrates that the team is building on a solid foundation. It was really an honor to join them in D.C."

Among Picatinny's environmental accomplishments were significant upgrades that reduced water consumption for two large boiler plants and the installation of energy-efficient equipment and heat-recovery systems.

"The reason we won these awards is because we were not just looking at energy savings but it was a combination of energy, water, sewage, and chemical treatment. We are looking to combine all these in the most holistic approach possible," said Nicholas Stecky, Picatinny Energy Efficiency Officer.

Multiple projects completed at Picatinny included in this recognition were:

AcaEUR"A? The conversion of two buildings from oil and propane to natural gas

AcaEUR"A? The installation of new boilers and elimination of steam distribution lines, which eliminated roughly 5,000 feet of steam line with associated losses.

AcaEUR"A? The rebuilding of a service water pump station, the installation of high-efficiency pump motors with variable speed drives and high-efficiency filtration for sediment control;

AcaEUR"A? The expansion of a post-wide energy management system to include heating and air conditioning controls for 13 buildings.

AcaEUR"A? An upgrade of a steam system by installing boiler stack economizers and boiler wastewater, called "blowdown," heat recovery units at the two boiler plants; and

AcaEUR"A? The installation of a filtration system and the conversion of the two boiler plants from potable water use to service water.

"This holistic approach reduces energy consumption, green house gases, potable water use and chemical treatment use. It also saves money, avoids potable water plant expansion, preserves the long-term sustainability of the potable water well aquifer and reduces the sewage flow rate by 140,000 gallons per day," Stecky said.

About Us: Picatinny Arsenal is a Department of Defense center of excellence for the research, development, engineering and fielding of advanced armaments and weapon systems for all branches of the U.S. military. Known as the "Home of American Firepower," the New Jersey team of 5,000-strong provides a range of innovative technologies to support and protect today's warfighters. Learn more at <a href="http://www.pica.army.mil/PicatinnyPublic/index.asp">www.pica.army.mil</a>