Iraqis gain human resource management skills in Cairo

By Ms. Leslie Sabbagh (USF-I, DCG A&T PAO)October 3, 2010

BAGHDAD - Thirteen senior and mid-level Iraqi managers earned Human Resources Management Instructor certifications Sept. 26 in Cairo, Egypt.

Each instructor was trained in Iraqi-led human resources professional development, which they will teach at both the provincial level and at the Ministry of Interior headquarters.

This training, which marks the last of a four-phase initiative by Iraq Training and Advising Mission - Ministry of Interior, began in March. It was conducted by the International Public Management Association of Alexandria, Va.

"Human resources is a critical area in helping organizations adapt," said Iraqi 1st Lt. Rafid Abdul Wahid, a personnel manager in the MoI Officer Management section. "Knowing the principles and skills involved helps the organization adapt and cope with the challenges associated with continuous change."

To date, 52 senior and mid-level Iraqi managers - from Najaf, Anbar, Baghdad, Basra, and Erbil provinces - have been credentialed as certified human resources professionals.

"We learned valuable skills in transparency and practical applications for finding solutions to a variety of problems," said Wahid, who attended the course in Cairo.

The curriculum is also scheduled to be taught at the Iraqi Police Training Qualifications Institute and disseminated throughout Iraq.

"This effort means increased efficiency, productivity and transparency in HR processes and procedures, and may eventually transform MoI into an organization with internationally-recognized HR concepts," said U.S. Army Lt. Col. Sara Simmons, director of ITAM-MoI Human Resources.