The future of ground combat vehicles resides with PEO Ground Combat Systems

By Ms. Lori Grein (IMCOM)July 27, 2010

The future of ground combat vehicles resides with PEO Ground Combat Systems
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The U.S. Army's Ground Combat Vehicle program transitioned from the management of Program Executive Office Integration to PEO Ground Combat Systems July 1.

Maj. Gen. John Bartley, program executive officer, Integration, transferred authority and oversight of the GCV program to Scott Davis, program executive officer, GCS, who then presented the charter from Col. Bryan McVeigh to Col. Andrew DiMarco as the new project manager, GCV.

"This is a great day for the Army, not only to observe the transfer of the Army's key modernization platform, the GCV... but to demonstrate the flexibility in system management to pass a program in stride from one PEO to another," said Davis.

The GCV is part of a holistic Army plan to modernize its combat vehicle fleet.

The initial GCV will be a highly survivable Infantry Fighting Vehicle offering a platform for delivering a nine-man infantry squad to the battlefield. Production is scheduled for 2017.

As the first vehicle designed from the ground up to operate in an Improvised Explosive Device environment, the GCV will be highly survivable, mobile and versatile. It is envisioned to have greater lethality and ballistic protection than a Bradley and greater IED and mine protection than an MRAP with the cross country mobility of an Abrams tank.

"Today, every system we acquire is required to be tightly integrated with a number of other systems to provide seamless warfighting capability," said Davis.

The GCV development will consist of three phases: Technology Development, Engineering and Manufacturing Design and Low Rate Initial Production. The Army anticipates awarding the first competitive contracts for the Technology Development phase in the 4th Quarter of Fiscal Year 2010.

"I have every confidence that Col. McMeigh has built and mentored a team of professionals that will serve Col. DiMarco into the future, to not only deliver the needed capabilities that GCV will provide, but to work collaboratively across the combat vehicle portfolio to help provide enhanced capabilities to our current systems as we continue to demand flawless performance from them into the future," said Davis.