Army OneSource helps military families

By Col. Raymond Lacey, USAG Fort Sill commanderJuly 15, 2010

Did you know the Army has established a "one stop" place to go whenever Soldiers or their family members need assistance with a problem'

The Army OneSource portal, located at, compiles important, credible and up-to-date information in a single location for Soldiers and family members to access at any time of day, regardless of component or physical location.

Army OneSource is a groundbreaking expansion to the family services we currently have on military installations both within the United States and overseas. It leverages technology and enables the Army to provide assistance to families and service members via the Internet.

The services include everything from common, everyday issues that a family might face to life's most complex situations. Army OneSource is a remarkable way to move forward in the 21st century by providing help to our Soldier and their families.

The military family member or service member can now access the Internet and start to find answers. We know our military installations provide many family services on post, but about 70 percent of military families live off the installation.

The Army OneSource offers many programs such as, but not limited to, mobilization and deployment questions and answers. There is a section for employment readiness, because the Army believes that every Army spouse should have a choice and be afforded the opportunity to develop a career and/or become employed.

The financial readiness link is there because the Army is here to help provide you with information on matters dealing with money. From financial calculators to tax preparation, these tools can help you on your way to financial success .

We're right in the middle of PCS season and the relocation readiness link helps if you are preparing to relocate or in the middle of moving to a new location. This link provides useful information to help answer the many questions you may have about relocating to make your transition as smooth as possible.

If you have any questions about Military OneSource, check the website at or call 800-342-9647. MOS is a complement to the other branch Army OneSource sites. This site enables direct calls to a "real person" to talk about issues and get some questions resolved. These services are offered to our National Guard and reservists and families as well.

The Army OneSource and Military OneSource are great tools for Soldiers and families to use. The "one stop shops" offer an abundance of valuable information while our goal is to reach as many Soldiers and families as we can and to provide the best services to our military community.