Garrison Chaplain Office staff hosts Memorial Day barbecue

By Mr. Kevin Stabinsky (IMCOM)June 7, 2010

Garrison Chaplain Office staff hosts Memorial Day barbecue
Soldiers, Civilian employees and their Families enjoy hot dogs, hamburgers and multiple deserts
outside the U.S. Army Garrison (USAG) headquarters on Fort McPherson May 27 during a barbecue sponsored by the USAG Chaplain Office. The barbecue celebrat... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)

On May 27, four days before the actual holiday, U.S. Army Garrison (USAG) Soldiers, Civilian employees and Family members got a chance to celebrate Memorial Day with a fellowship cookout outside garrison headquarters on Fort McPherson.

The cookout was sponsored by the USAG Chaplain Office and featured flame grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, a multitude of deserts, drinks and entertainment from The Loose Cannons, the Army Ground Forces Band rock cover band.

The chaplain office provided the meats, buns and drinks, while volunteers brought a variety of side dishes.

Chap. (Lt. Col.) Robert Phillips, USAG chaplain, said the community gathering was designed to celebrate the beginning of summer and let the community celebrate Memorial Day together before departing for the weekend.

"It was a time for fellowship, ministry and a good meal," he said. Claudette Roberts, human resource (HR) specialist with the Civilian Personal Advisory Center (CPAC), said she enjoyed the get together.

Roberts attended with fellow HR co-worker, Kim Almueti, who said she had a good time as well.

"The barbecue was a wonderful event. Thank you (the chapel staff) for the wonderful food and fellowship," Almueti said.

Jan Ingram, chaplain religious education coordination, said the event exceeded expectations with a headcount of 375.

"We did more than the Thanksgiving dinner," she said. "We didn't expect this much participation."

Ingram credited the team effort put forth by chapel staff for the cookout's success.

Still, even with the unexpected numbers, there was plenty of food to be had by all.

Many attendees left with dishes, and the left over "leftovers" were taken to security personnel at the gates.

Phillips said even if only every third person brought a side, there would have been more than enough food for everyone who ate. In addition to the abundance of food, Ingram said she also hoped people received an appreciation for the chapel and what it does for the community.

"It was an outreach to show that we at the chapel care," she said. "It was a chance to open our doors and invite people to come to the chapel."

Phillips said he encourages people to continue to support the chapel and its activities. He said the next big event held by the chapel will be the High Seas Expedition Vacation Bible School, from June 21-25. The event is open to children in preschool through the fifth grade.

For more information and to register, call the USAG chaplain office staff at 464-2012.