Army Renewable Energy Initiative

By for STAND-TO!June 6, 2010

Army Renewable Energy Initiative

What is it'

The Renewable Energy Initiative encompasses all Army efforts to adopt technologies and capabilities that will help promote and facilitate renewable energy. It involves a series of public outreach events and conferences which are designed to showcase new, cutting-edge technologies and capabilities. The Army is pursuing renewable energy for solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, cogeneration, waste-to-energy, hydrogen energy storage, and vehicle-to-grid power.

The Renewable Energy Initiative is part and parcel of the Army's comprehensive Energy Security Implementation Strategy. Fiscal, legislative and operational imperatives are forcing the Army to be an energy innovator and leader. The Army aims to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels while increasing its use of renewable and alternative energy.

What has the Army done'

The Army has invited renewable energy leaders from the academic and engineering worlds and the public and private sectors to participate in its Renewable Energy Initiative. The first public outreach event will take place June 8 and 9, 2010, at Fort Bliss, Texas.

The event is being hosted by Ft. Bliss, Texas, and the Army's Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC). More than 50 exhibitors and 300 attendees are participating, as well as key Army leaders from the Installations and Environmental Command, TARDEC and Ft. Bliss, Texas.

What bodies planned for the future'

Future events and symposia are now being planned. The intent is to demonstrate and assess the latest technological breakthroughs, with an eye toward meeting Army energy goals and objectives. The Army also seeks to forge professional work relationships with energy leaders in academia, government and business.

Why is this important to the Army'

The Renewable Energy Initiative allows the Army to tap into private-sector know-how and expertise. It provides a useful forum for discussion and for the exchange of ideas. Among the Army's objectives:

Aca,!Ac identify viable technology solutions for immediate and near-term Army use

Aca,!Ac allow Soldiers to employ advanced energy technology

Aca,!Ac identify "technology gaps," which can be addressed through additional research

Aca,!Ac establish best practices for ongoing energy technology assessments

Aca,!Ac provide a professional forum for the exchange of ideas

Aca,!Ac develop national and regional partnerships for renewable energy


<a href=" " target="_blank"> Renewable Energy Rodeo & Symposium Website</a>

<a href="" target="_blank">U.S. Army RDECOM</a>

<a href="" target="_blank">U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research Development and Engineering Center</a>

<a href="" target="_blank">Fort Bliss, Texas</a>


<a href=" " target="_blank"> Army Energy Security Implementation Strategy</a>

<a href=" " target="_blank"> Renewable Energy Rodeo & Symposium Press Release (May 13, 2010)</a>

<a href="'file=DocumentsTARDEC-PR-1017_RERS_2.pdf " target="_blank"> Renewable Energy Rodeo & Symposium Press Release (May 26, 2010)</a>